St Patrick's Primary School Gundagai
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26 Homer St
Gundagai NSW 2722

Phone: 02 6944 1085
Fax: 02 6944 2161

Assistant Principal's Report

Dear Parents,

Welcome to a very different beginning to Term 2! The staff have returned with renewed optimism and with the COVID 19 situation stabilising we look forward to welcoming back our students and transitioning back to face-to-face learning.

Return to School Plan

As from next week Monday 11 May, students from Years K-6 may return full time (5 days a week) to school. This decision is in line with the NSW Premier’s request to return to face to face teaching from Week 3. If for any reason there is an increase in the safety concerns for the students and staff before the 11 May this decision will be reviewed. This means we will no longer be conducting remote learning and moving back entirely to face-to-face teaching in a classroom situation.   If for any reason you choose not to send your child/children next week please contact your child’s class teacher so we can discuss their learning needs in greater detail.

As we prepare to have the children return to school, it is essential that measures relating to personal hygiene and the health and safety of all members of our community are known and understood.  We will continue to practice extra hygiene and safety practices of regular hand washing upon arrival at school, before recess and lunch and use of hand sanitizer upon entering classrooms.  In order to follow and maintain social distancing we ask that you please drop your child off in the morning at the Homer Street entrance gates and wait outside the gates for afternoon pick up. 

Thank you to our Families

I’d like to thank all families for taking on a major role in assisting your child at home with their remote learning.  It has been a time of great change, upheaval and isolation and we are gradually, but cautiously coming out the other side.   Thank you for your unwavering support, patience and optimism in our transition to online learning, particularly with moving to Microsoft Teams.  It has certainly been challenging and frustrating at times but we appreciate you for making this necessary change to ultimately keep all our students safe in the online video conferencing platform.  We will continue to work with Catholic Education to pass on any technical issues that need improving and I encourage parents to give feedback on the link:

We are all missing the students, but love to see their smiling faces in our class daily meets. Huge thanks to our staff who have worked tirelessly to prepare online lessons that are interesting, challenging and varied. Thank you to parents for keeping their children motivated and engaged in the remote learning environment!  We acknowledge that this isn’t always easy, but please remember to do what works best for your family situation and do not do the impossible.  

Be assured we are in this together, please don’t hesitate to reach out for support from your child’s teacher, we are only a phone call or email away! 

Support for our Students

As we welcome back our students we are very conscious and aware that this extended time away from friends and school routine has been very hard for them. We will do our best to ease back into daily school life.  Please let us know if you feel that your child/children are experiencing any anxiety about their return.  Melissa Bailey our school counsellor is available to any student/family, should anyone need to contact her the email is 

Remote Learning will continue for the remainder of this week for those students whose parents are essential workers or do not have adequate care and supervision. Please talk with your child/children of the school’s hygiene expectations and continue to check in with them about their impending return to school and what to expect.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Lisa Wilson