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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- Community Council News
- Alice the Musical
- No Parking in Driveway
- Friday Tuckshop
- TechOne Finance Changeover
- SAVE THE DATE - St Patrick's Fair 2023
- Little Learners and Kindergarten Orientation
- Term 4 Dates
- Weekly Awards
- WildCat Awards
- Radio News
- Canteen Roster
- Altar Serving Roster
- Birthdays
Dear Parents,
Week 4 of Term 4 is here already. The school term is certainly moving along very quickly! Our thoughts and prayers have certainly been with our families affected by floods over the past few days.
On Tuesday we celebrate "All Souls Day" and pray for all our loved ones that have passed away and are in Gods care.
ALICE THE MUSICAL: Excitement is building for our whole school production of ‘Alice the Musical!’ Characters are starting to take shape and dance routines are being stepped out. A few sneak previews of practice sessions, promise a fabulous production! Tickets are available from the front office for both the matinee and night performances. Only 15 sleeps to go!
CC WORKING BEE: I would like to say a most sincere thank you to the families that turned up to assist with our Community Council Working Bee on Saturday. We realise weekends are precious family time and we are so very grateful to the following families: Worldon, Gaskin, Nicholls, Gailey, Ryan, Hargreaves, Smith, Jones, Morgan, Johnson, and Graham. So much was achieved and our school grounds are so much tidier and cleaner. Thank you ?
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Congratulations to our First Holy Communion children who received the holy Eucharist for the first time on Saturday evening. Very special thanks to Mrs Howe for her time and efforts in preparing the children so beautifully. Many thanks also to the children from St Patrick’s who formed the choir for Saturday evening and sang like angels. It was greatly appreciated.
MELBOURNE CUP: Melbourne Cup celebrations were in full force yesterday despite the rain! Fashions of the field and the annual snail race spirits were not dampen by the wet conditions. Congratulations to everyone on such a fabulous day. Well done to Drue in Year 1, on being declared the winner of the Snail Cup with his speedy snail.

2023 KINDERGARTEN TRANSITION: We look forward to welcoming our 2023 Kindergarten students for their very first Kindergarten Transition day this Friday. It’s an exciting time for our new children and their families.
2023 ADDITIONAL TEACHING POSITION: Interviews took place recently for the additional teaching position at St Patrick’s in 2023. An announcement about the successful application will be made shortly. Once classes and teachers have been organised, parents will be informed.
We continue to pray that all our families remain safe during these continuing unpredictable weather conditions.
Christine Baron
First Holy Communion
On Saturday night we celebrated the beautiful occasion of First Holy Communion. Eleven children from our parish received the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time. The children along with their families have spent the past few weeks preparing to receive this most wonderful sacrament.
There have been so many positive comments from parishioners on how reverent the children were during the Mass. They read beautifully and performed all their roles knowing exactly what to do. When the children received the Jesus in the Eucharist, they demonstrated the sacredness of receiving the Blessed Sacrament.
We thank the families of the children for their support and guidance of the children throughout the preparation. We are all so very proud of our first communicants.

A special thank you to all the children from St Patricks who came to Mass to support their friends and to sing in the choir. It was wonderful to have so many children represented in the choir and their singing made a Mass even more special.
Mission Day Activities
On Friday, 28th October we celebrated our mission day activities. Our day began by each class forming a coin line to display their donations. After lunch we gathered in our Peer Support groups to enjoy tabloid activities run by our very competent Year 5/6 Leaders. The groups had great fun participating in lots of fun activities including a soccer shootout and soccer game. We also watched a video that described the work of Catholic Mission in Ethiopia and the work they are doing to provide a better life for many people. Our children agreed how fortunate we are, in comparison to children that we saw in our video. This enabled the children to understand the reason why we donate to Catholic Mission and how our school participation can make all the difference to the lives of those who are less fortunate.
Our efforts on the day raised an amazing $167.60 which will be sent to Catholic Mission. Some children have indicated that they have additional money to donation. This is very generous. If these donations can be sent in by this Friday, we will finalise our fund raising and forward our money to Catholic Mission.
This year ‘s, Socktober Star Fundraising Targets were $77 which can help to pay for food, medicine and care for the farm animals for two weeks.
$117 can help to purchase one goat at the Deberety Farm to provide nutritious milk for infants. The milk from the goats can also provide butter and cheese, which has a higher nutritional value for children.
Through our donations, we are able to purchase a goat and have some money left over that will go towards food for the farm animals.
Thank you, children for you very generous effort.
November Masses
November is the month of the Holy Souls. On Tuesday Year 3/4 lead us in a beautiful Liturgy to celebrate All Saint’s Day. Thank you, Mrs Flanagan, Mr Ferguson and Year 3/4 for being so adaptable after the weather prevented us from going to the Church, and then presenting a lovely liturgy to commemorate all the Saints in Heaven. On Wednesday it is All Soul’s Day, where we remember all those who have passed from this earth.

Your loved ones will be remembered in the Masses throughout November, by placing their names into the Remembrance Book located at the back of the Church.
Kate Howe
Open Meeting
We would like to thank Mr Eamonn Moore Principal of McAuley Catholic Central School for his informative presentation on the new inclusion of Years 11 and 12 at McAuley. This is a very exciting time for McAuley to be able to offer a local opportunity for catholic education including the HSC. We wish Eamonn and the staff of McAuley all the best in this new adventure.
Planning is underway for a St. Patrick’s Day Fair in March 2023. This will be a family fun day including actives for the kids and market stalls. Keep your eyes out for more information towards the end of the year.
The Grants team has been working hard to gather quotes and information to upgrade with acoustics at the School Hall. Community Council recently purchased new stage curtains which will be installed next week, just in time for the Alice Musical. If the grant application is successful Community Council will be able to improve the sound and lighting quality in the Hall.
Alicia has been working hard over the holidays to offer new menu items to the Canteen menu. Blueberry muffins and yogurt with berries and granola have been added to the recess menu and pizza subs have been added to the lunch menu. There are also a couple of special items that are planned within the term so be sure to check the menu each week.
Thank you to the parents that helped with the working bee on the weekend. Many hands make light work and the school looks so much better for all the hard work. The students and teachers appreciate your help in maintaining their school.
Community Council have purchased a new 3x6m gazebo which proudly displays the school logo. This will be used to provide shade and shelter from the weather at sports events and outdoor activities.
Nominations are now open for new Community Council Members for next year. We would love to hear from you if you are interested in playing a part in the future of St Patrick’s. If you would like information on what Community Council does or how to become involved in Community Council please speak to one of the current members (Kim Paton, Craig Hargreaves, Kate Graham, Lisa Ryan, John Morgan, Sam Johnston, Michelle McDonnell) or Chris Baron.
Community Council have one more meeting this year scheduled for 15 November. Members are always happy to bring your feedback, comments or questions to the meeting so please do not hesitate to contact us if there is something you would like us to discuss.
Kim Paton
Wednesday 16th Nov-Matinee at 11:30am
Thursday 17th Nov-Night Performance at 6pm
Tickets: $5.00 per adult (available from the front office for both performances)
We are calling on parents with creative skills and talents to please assist with our ‘Alice the Musical’ production. We have had a few parents offer to help and are very grateful. We are calling upon a few more parents to help our if possible with the following:
- Decorating the entrance area to the school hall (Alice in Wonderland theme
- Stage Props (we already have a few props)
Please call the front office ASAP and let us know what area you can assist with as we would be most grateful.
With the performance only 2 WEEKS AWAY we are asking if the children are able to bring in their FULL COSTUMES for a full dress rehearsal by Monday 7th of November (if possible - we understand some families are waiting on the arrival of their costumes in the mail)
We would like to remind our families to please not park in the driveway. We need to ensure that the driveway is kept clear at all times. Vehicles may stop for up to two minutes to drop-off or pick up children. The driver must remain within 3 metres of the vehicle.

We are calling upon parent volunteers to go on our roster to help cook with the muffins. If you would like to help out please contact the office or Alicia Hargreaves on
Last newsletter we reported that our finance system was changing from MAZE to Tech One. What this means for our families will just be the way families had been making weekly/fortnightly or monthly payments by BPay or Direct Debit. This will change. Direct Debit will no longer be an option to pay. ALL families will be provided a new BPay Reference number and Biller Code.
This means shortly, all of our Administration will be completed through COMPASS and Tech One. Catholic Education have commenced training with Mrs Fairall via Zoom.
This is a complete new system and there may be some "teething problems" as we learn this new program. At this stage we would suggest that any families that already make weekly or fortnightly payments via BPay that they cancel them until you have been provided with your new BPay Biller Code and Reference Number.
I apologise for the inconvenience this will cause some families with their weekly payments. We are hoping to receive the new BPay information in the next week.
SAVE THE DATE - St Patrick's Fair 2023
The St Patrick’s Day Fair will be the Fundraising Committee’s major fundraiser for 2023.
The Fundraising Committee are working hard to bring the Fair to life, we are looking for more volunteers to assist with smaller preparation tasks and to assist on the day.
If you are able to assist the Committee we would love to hear from you; please contact the School Office or Sam Johnson - 0422 154 298 -
Help us make the St Patrick’s Day Fair a great success and bring us one step closer to building the much needed Outdoor Covered Area!!
Sam Johnson
Community Council - Fundraising Co-Ordinator
Little Learners and Kindergarten Orientation
Friday 4th November: 9.00am-1.30pm
Friday 11th November: 9.00-1.30pm
Friday 18th November: 9.00-3.15pm
We look forward to welcoming our 2023 Kindergarten students to our St Patrick’s school community. 2023 Kindergarten Enrolment forms are due in now.
Final session: Friday 25th November (Teddy Bear’s Picnic) 9.00-11.00am. This will include a presentation of certificates for completing our Little Learners and Kinder Orientation Program. Parents most welcome to join us at 10.30am in the Amphitheatre.
Alice the Musical
Matinee Performance: 11.30am Wednesday 16th Nov
Night Performance: 6pm Thursday 17th Nov
2022 Award Day-Friday 9th December-9.30-11.00am
Year 6 Graduation Mass-Friday 9th December 12pm
Year 6 Graduation Dinner-Wednesday 14th December 6pm-TBC
Year 6 BIG DAY OUT-Monday 12th December (Please note change of date)
Term 4 concludes-Friday 16th December at 3:15pm. Year 6 traditional ringing of the school bell will take place from 3.00pm onwards.
Congratulations to our Week 2 and Week 3 Class Awards.
Week 2 - 21st October 2022
Kindergarten - Imogen Graham for her speed and accuracy
Yr 1/2 - Zoe Paton for consistency in her "groups of" maths work
Yr 3/4 - Emma Brown for her effort and application to her learning
Yr 3/4 - Lachlan Hargreaves for more thoughtful contributions to class discussions
Yr 5/6 - Garvita Joshi for her efforts to be more organised in Literature Circles
Yr 5/6 - Emmy Gaskin for her consistent and enthusiastic approach to all aspect of reading
Week 3 - 28th October 2022
Kindergarten - Lottie Worldon for her writing stories with minimal assistance
Yr 1/2 - Lane Johnson for his enthusiastic and thoughful responses during discussion time
Yr 1/2 - Parker Melksham for his consistent effort in reading comprehension and guided reading
Yr 3/4 - Christyne Calub for the quality of her writing
Yr 3/4 - Sophia Huang for her effort and concentrationwith her writing
Yr 5/6 - Sophie Graham for producing a highly informative and quality partner newspaper article

RESPONSIBLE - Archie McDonnell, Zoe Paton, Garvita Joshi, Tahlira Rose, Ryan Robinson, Billy Eccleston, Imogen Graham, Sarah Gailey
SAFE - Garvita Joshi, Toby Nicholls, Akacia Winchester, Charlie Hindmarsh, Fletcher Smith
RESPECTFUL - Dale Paton, Riley Smith, Gracie Peterson, Charlie Hindmarsh, Abigail Bock, Charlotte McDonnell, Eliza Hargreaves, Jack Ryan, Conor Cotterill, Lane Johnson, Joey Gailey, Lachlan Morgan, Lola Eccleston, Ellie McDonnell