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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- Wollies Landcare Grant
- Little Learners - Begins NEXT Friday 4th August
- Book Fair - Week 3
- St Vincent de Paul - Winter Appeal "Out of Uniform Day"
- Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN REPORTS
- The School Photographer - School Photos
- Peer Support
- WR Public Speaking Competition
- WR Choir Competition
- The Smith Family
- "Bling n Boots" Cocktail Party - St Patrick's Community Council Events
- Term 3 Dates
- Community Event: Rock the Bidgee (Gundagai)
- Weekly Award - Week 1 Term 3
- Wildcat Awards - Week 1 Term 3
- Radio News
- Meat Raffle Roster
- Altar Serving Roster
- Birthdays
- Rural Services Counselling
Dear St Patrick’s families,
Welcome to Term 3! I trust all enjoyed a break from the routines of school and study and a chance to spend some quality family time together.
STAFF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DAY: Last Monday, staff participated in school based Professional Learning that included an update on legal policies and developing our school-based Scope and Sequences for our English curriculum. I was also able to share with staff, my journey through the Holy Lands and highlights from my pilgrimage.
Students have returned eager to begin another term. Classrooms are settled and students are engaged and interested learners. It is a pleasure to walk around classrooms and see students thriving.
SCHOOL UNIFORM EXPECTATIONS: The days have indeed been very cold, particularly in the mornings. Please ensure your child brings a school jumper and coat plus hat or beanie to keep them warm. Please also ensure your child/ren are complying with uniform expectations. Remember that our rules around tying long hair back and not wearing jewellery are for safety. Nail polish is not a part of uniform and needs to be removed please. Bottle green, navy and black are the ONLY colours permitted for hair accessories.
TERM 3 CALENDAR: Please keep updated with school events through COMPASS information and the school newsletters. We have an extremely busy calendar and much to accomplish this term! One very exciting event coming up is the Opening and Blessing of our new school administration as well as the upgrade to our playground facilities. While we have been using these facilities for some time now, COVID and restrictions have prevented us moving ahead with an official opening. Friday 8 September is the big day!
We look forward to a rewarding and productive school term.
Christine Baron
St Patrick, pray for us
St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal - Do you have any items you can donate ?

All donations will be welcomely received and can be bought to school for our School celebration in Week 2.
Sacrament of Confirmation
On Saturday 29th July we begin our preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation with our Year 5/6 children. The lesson will be held in the Year 5 classroom at 3:45 pm – 4:50 pm. A commitment Mass for the Confirmation Candidates and Parents will follow.
Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of Initiation. Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of Baptismal grace:
- It grounds us more deeply in our relationship with God.
- It unites us more firmly to Christ.
- It strengthens our bond with the Church.
- It gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread the faith by word and action as true witnesses.
We look forward to working together, as our young people continue their faith journey. Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday 19th August at 5pm in St Patrick’s Church.
"Come, Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful; kindle in them the fire of your love"
***** PLEASE NOTE- When completing the Registration Form for Confirmation, the Parish Office needs to have a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate attached.
Christian Meditation
The children and teachers at St Patrick’s are continuing to practice Christian Meditation in their classrooms. Christian Meditation is a form of Contemplative Prayer. The ideals of Christian Meditation are:

Be with God’s Spirit in your heart.
Kate Howe
Last term we announced that St Patrick’s were very proud to receive the Woolies Landcare Grant for $1,000. Our application was to utilise the funding for designing a native garden around our Cultural space. Aunty Sue Bulger will visit Year 6 on Friday to discuss native plants and their use in indigenous culture. Following this Aunty Sue, Mrs Cambridge from CE, our Environmental Year 6 leaders and Mrs Hughes will meet to draw up some designs and plans for the garden. We hope to have our native garden planted and growing by the end of this term Watch this space!
Little Learners - Begins NEXT Friday 4th August

Friday 4 August: Explore Physical Education through motor skills and fun games.
Friday 11 August: Explore the world of books and stories.
Friday 18 August: Explore learning technologies.
Friday 25 August: Explore the world of music through sound and movement.
Friday 1 September: Explore the amazing world of science.
Friday 8 September: Explore the world of art and craft.
Friday 15 September: Teddy Bear’s picnic
Friday 3 November-9.00-1.30pm
Friday 10 November-9.00-1.30pm
Friday 17 November-9.00-3.15pm
We are pretty excited and I'm sure all the children will be as well that our delivery arrived this morning for our Book Fair. Mrs Hughes will unpack the HUGE metal boxes full of books to purchase. The children will get a chance this week to have a look and write up their "Wish List" to take home to parents. The books will go on sale next Monday until Thursday and parents are welcome to come in during second half of lunch or after school when collecting children or contact Jacki to arrange a more suitable time. Our book parade (dress up) will be held later in the term (more on this later)
St Vincent de Paul - Winter Appeal "Out of Uniform Day"
- Families are encouraged to donate suitable winter clothing, jumpers, jackets, scarfs, hats, gloves, socks, blankets etc.
- Children will come "Out of Uniform on Friday 28th July and wear a scarf and beanie to emphasis the comfort we have in comparison to those in need.
- A gold coin donation would be appreciated.
Parents should have received their child’s results last Friday. Staff will be analysing our overall school results in the near future.
The School Photographer - School Photos

Last Tuesday and Thursday all of Year 5 and Year 6 were involved in Peer Support Leadership training. The children thoroughly enjoyed the interactive and team building activities that focused on leadership skills required to lead whole school peer support sessions. This is a wonderful opportunity for our upper primary children to develop and improve on their leadership skills and abilities. We look forward to our peer support sessions.
Week 2: Students will be using a new module : Taking Opportunities which focuses on resilience. The experiences presented in the module help children develop skills to identify their strengths, celebrate their achievements and seek assistance when faced with challenges. In this week's session each group will establish their group agreements so they can work well together. Children will share some of their favourite things and learn about the other members of their group. You might like to discuss with your child what they can do this week to help them take an active role in Peer Support.

WR Public Speaking Competition
The annual WR Public Speaking competition is scheduled to be held at St Mary’s Young on Monday 21 August. Years 3-6 students will be asked to prepare a speech on the following topics:
Year 3
- Time Limit: 2 Minutes
Year 4
- Time Limit: 2 Minutes
Year 5
- Time Limit: 3 Minutes
Year 6
- Time Limit: 3 Minutes
Two students will be selected from each Year level to represent against McAuley Catholic Central School on Wednesday 9 August. McAuley will host this round. From this round, two representatives from each class group, will be selected to speak at the WR finals in Young.

At the end of Term 3, St Patrick's Primary School will be going out of uniform and bringing in school supplies to donate to the Smith Family. Your donations fund their learning support and mentoring programs that provide disadvantaged children with practical and emotional support outside the classroom.
Imagine if someone you knew was in Poverty. What would you do? Would you donate something? Or would you be a bystander and do nothing? So please bring something to donate, either money or school supplies or both if you want. After all, One small step can be a big step to life.
By Archie McDonnell (SRC)
"Bling n Boots" Cocktail Party - St Patrick's Community Council Events
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 26th of August for our "Bling n Boot's Cocktail Party from 6.30pm - 11.00pm at St Patrick's Hall. Purchase your tickets through Eventbrite. Tickets are $90.00 which includes food (The Tasty Table) and entertainment. Follow our St Pat's Events Facebook page for all information with upcoming events
Sacrament of Confirmation: Saturday 19 August
WR Public Speaking-St Patrick’s v’s McAuley: Wednesday 9 August
School Photo Day: Wednesday 16 August
Final of WR Public Speaking Comp-St Mary’s Young: Monday 21 August
Book Parade - Wednesday 30th August (children to bring in their book fair costume to parade)
Tournament of the Minds: Sunday 27 August
Footsteps Dance Program: Monday 4 Sept to Friday 8 September
Footsteps Disco for Years K-6: Thursday 7 September
Opening and Blessing of Administration area and upgrade of playground facilities: Friday 8 September
WR Choir Competition: St Mary’s War Memorial School West Wyalong: Tuesday 12 September
Community Event: Rock the Bidgee (Gundagai)

Tickets are on sale through Eventbite and are $15.00 per adult. Lock in the date for a fun family afternoon/evening for Saturday 28th of October.
Congratulations to our Week 1 Class Awards for Term 3.
Kindergarten : Chelsea Crowe for determined attitude and showing initiative
Yr 1 : Toby Nicholls or a fantastic focused start to Term 3
Yr 2: Max Zhu for a focused start to Term 3 showing independence when reading and writing
Yr 3/4: Emma Brown for her enthusiasm towards sharing oral presentations
Yr 5 : Riley Smith for always giving his best effort
Yr 6 : Jack Ryan for his mature role modelling and input during Peer Support Leadership Sessions.
Wildcat Awards - Week 1 Term 3
Congratulations to our Week 1 Wildcat recipients.
RESPONSIBLE : Remi Taylor, Claudia Worldon, Reuban Smart, Archie McDonnell, Charlie Brown, Nick Quine, Skye Somerville, Harry Ryder, Pippi Nicholls, Gus Hufton
RESPECT: Charlie Brown, Dylan Ryder, Denver Blundell, Isabella Boswell, Archie McDonnell, Skye Somerville, Taite Johnson, Chase Robinson, Sarah Gailey, Harley Rose, Alfie Eccleston, Chelsea Crowe, Gus Hufton
SAFE: Archie McDonnell, Miya Zhang, Gus Hufton

Sending out our Birthday Cheers to the following children who have celebrated a birthday during the holidays:
2nd July - Claudia and Lottie Worldon
3rd July - Emma Ferguson
4th July - Cindy Chen
8th July - Alfie Eccleston
We hope you all had a wonderful, fun birthday with family and friends