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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- Community Council Update
- Street Stall Appreciation
- 2024 Class Enrolments
- CWA Donation
- The Smith Family - SRC Out of Uniform Day (Friday 22nd Sept)
- School Counsellor
- 2024 Kindergarten Transition Program
- Archdiocesan Public Speaking
- Calling for Parent Assistance
- Sporting Updates
- Heating Food
- Term 4 Dates for the Calendar
- Peer Support
- Canteen
- Weekly Class Awards
- WildCat Awards Week 9
- Altar Serving Roster
- Meat Raffle Roster
- Radio News
- Birthdays
- Gundagai Cricket Blast
- Twilight Netball for Juniors
- Holiday Clinic - Rugby, Rugby League, Touch & Oztag
- End of Term 3
Dear St Patrick’s families,
Another term winds up this Friday 22 September at 3:15pm! It has been another great term of learning and achievements on so many different levels. We are so proud of all our students and the way they continue to engage in all school activities and give their best in all they do. Our Week 10 Award Assembly on Friday will recognise some of those students that have given that ‘little bit extra’ across the term and are rewarded for their efforts.
WELCOME: This week we are delighted to welcome William Potter to St Patrick’s School. William will join our current Kindergarten class. We also welcome Williams family- Chris, Christina and Lena as they join our St Patrick’s school family.
OPENING AND BLESSING: Our Opening and Blessing on Friday 8 September was a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and thank all those involved in the development of our new administration area and the recent playground upgrades. The ceremony acknowledged the following contributions:
$660,000 from Catholic Education for the construction of a new administration area. Representatives from Catholic Education, Baumgart-Clark Architects and Tom Gaskin Construction Company were acknowledged for their part in the construction of this wonderful new space.
$129,000 from the NSW State Government to enhance playground active spaces. Representatives from the local council, Community Council, Wiradjuri elders and Arcspace were acknowledged for their support in upgrading these facilities.
It was also an opportunity to thank Mr Bernie Harrington’s family and his best friend Mr Raymond Young, for the donation towards the beautiful Stained-Glass window in our front entrance.
Thank you to all staff, parents, family members, community and parish members who came along to help us celebrate this wonderful occasion.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Given the expected spike in weather conditions over the next few days, we have moved a little earlier than normal, into summer uniform options. However, we ask parents to be mindful that weather conditions can change quickly, and the end of the week much cooler conditions are expected. Please monitor the weather across the week and make sure children have a jumper handy, as the week progresses.
SPG STREET STALL: Thank you for the fantastic support from staff, parents, parish and family members for the school street stall last week. Special thanks to Tash Smith and Lisa Peterson for co-ordinating the Street Stall. It was a real community effort, and we greatly appreciate all the support.
Wishing all our families a wonderful two-week break. Holidays are always a great opportunity to rest and recharge before we head into another busy school term.
Christine Baron Principal
St Patrick, pray for us
Last week I was fortunate to attend the REC at Galong. The theme of the Retreat was ‘Mercy – The Key to Christian Leadership.’
The Retreat was held at St Clements Monastery, a special place. It feels like when you drive through the gates you enter ‘a quiet place, a place of simplicity.’ There is very little phone reception, no television, just a beautiful space surrounded by nature.
Over the duration of the Retreat there were moments of silence, stillness and simplicity and reflection.
The theme of ‘Mercy’ was explored through Scripture and art. The seven characteristics of ‘Mercy’ – patience, helping anyone around you who is hurting, giving others a second chance, doing good to those who hurt you, being kind to those who hurt you, building bridges, valuing relationships were explored. The Scripture of Matthew’s Gospel was central to our discussions.
42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
We reflected on the Scriptures and what we are called to do in our everyday life.
Some quotes from Mother Theresa of Calcutta:
“Go out into the world today and love the people you meet.”
“Do you want to do something beautiful for God? There is a person that needs you. This is your choice.”
Prayers for Mrs Flanagan’s Dad

Prayers for Mrs Hughes

Altar Servers
Thank you to our wonderful Altar Servers for their positive contribution to our Parish through this ministry. Your efforts are always appreciated.
Please check the Altar Serving Roster to see when you are next rostered on.
Remember if you can not make your allocated date, it is your responsibility to find a replacement.
No Mass this Friday
There will be no Mass celebrated in St Patrick’s Church this Friday 22nd September, as Father Joe has a funeral in Tumut.
Grandparent’s Day
Next term St Patrick’s will celebrate our wonderful Grandparents and adopted Grandparents with morning tea and Mass. Please mark this date on your calendar and come along and see what our children are doing in their classrooms. More information provided next term.
October is Mission Month
In 2023, students and their families across Australia will team up to support families in Timor-Leste facing health and wellness challenges.
The projects on the ground help sustain and enrich the lives of vulnerable children by providing vital medicines and health support.
St Patrick’s will again support Catholic Mission in raising awareness and funds for those in the world that need our assistance.
Start collecting some coins in preparation for our Term 4 activities. Stay tuned!
Sacrament of Eucharist
Next term we will begin our preparation for First Holy Communion. If you have a child preparing for the Sacrament could you please register via the Parish website or see me for a Registration Form.
Eucharist - Term Four
Week 3
Lesson 1 - Tuesday 24th October 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm (NB may change)
Lesson 2 - Saturday 28thOctober 4:45 pm – 5:50 pm - 6 pm for
Commitment Mass
Week 4
Lesson 3 - Tuesday 31st October 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Lesson 4 - Saturday 4th November 4:45 pm – 5:50 pm - 6 pm Mass
Week 5
Lesson 5 - Tuesday 7th November 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Lesson 6 - Wednesday 8th November Preparation Day 9:15 am – 3:00 pm
Sacrament of First Holy Communion - Saturday 11th November – 6pm Mass (Week 5)
Confirmation Wrap Up
Just a reminder if any outstanding Confirmation payments could be finalised by the end of term if possible. If you are unsure if you have paid or not, Sue the parish Secretary has provided me with a list.
After a very busy Term 3, I hope everyone will enjoy a well earned break and some quiet and relaxing family time over the holidays.
Kate Howe
GREAT NEWS…. The CC was successful in our application for a $2500 grant through the Jeremiah Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund for representative sports uniforms!! This grant will add to the funds ($500) donated by Riley Smith and Chase Robinson, and fundraising money ($2000) will be used for the co-contribution that is required by the CC. Thank you to Kim Paton for making time to complete the grant for our school.
The Street Stall made over $4500 this year! Tash Smith and Lisa Peterson did an amazing job organising and running the stall. It was lovely to see some new ideas including earrings, hair accessories and craft. Thank you to everyone who contributed time, cooking and donations. We were fortunate to have some ex-St. Pat’s grandmothers and friends volunteer for us which we are grateful for.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time to the Meat Raffles this year. The meat raffles have made approx. $5000, which is a great addition to our fundraising profits and worth the effort on Friday nights.
The CC is still working on the installation of the electronic school sign for Sheridan St. Lisa Ryan is completing the development application for the Council. The CC will contribute $12,955 from fundraising money to the cost of the sign.
Thank you to John Morgan for organising the Working Bee. Although there were only a small number of families who attended, the group managed to get a lot of work done so the school looked fabulous for the opening of the new administration building and playground. The children who helped are to be commended for their hard work and contribution to their school – Darby Jones, Lachlan and Zoe Morgan, Molly and Josie Lott.
The Tuckshop requires more volunteers for next term. Parents, grandparents and friends of the school are welcome to volunteer. In the past we have had many grandmothers on tuckshop, and they have always enjoyed their day at the school. The day starts at about 9.30am and finishes about 2pm. Thank you to Alicia Hargreaves for keeping the tuckshop running throughout the year and giving up many of her Fridays to fill the roster.
Please support the ‘Are you Bogged?’ evening next term. We are running this with the Neighbourhood Centre as a community event. The event is free to attend and includes dinner and the speakers. A bar will be available on the night, which will allow the CC to do some fundraising for the school.
The CC continues to look for NEW MEMBERS!! Currently we have not received any interest from parents for 2024. It is important for the school to have a strong parent voice to contribute to the running of the school. It is a great way to been involved and have your ideas for improvement heard. There are 2 meetings each term on a Tuesday evening. The workload is manageable as it is shared among members, and when further support is needed, we call on the wider parent body. St. Pat’s is known for its strong and active school community, and we need to keep this going.
Kate Graham
Secretary – Community Council

We are calling for all enrolments for 2024 to come in as soon as possible please. The number of teachers we are allocated, is based on overall student enrolments (not on individual enrolments). Catholic Education staffing decisions for 2024 are being made now! If you have a child to enrol or know anyone wishing to join our fabulous school community, please encourage them to enrol as soon as possible.
If you know anyone that is interested, please encourage them to contact the school office for a personalised tour and information session.
The Smith Family - SRC Out of Uniform Day (Friday 22nd Sept)
Children cannot choose their circumstances
For one in six Australian children and young people growing up in poverty, it can limit their choices, opportunities and outcomes in life.
Investing in the education of a disadvantaged child delivers long-term positive benefits for them, their family and potentially generations to come.
This Friday for our last day of term, the SRC will be collecting donations for The Smith Family. Children are to come out of uniform for the day (please make sure you wear a hat) and bring a gold coin donation to help with our donations.
The Smith Family support children and young people to participate more fully in their education by providing innovative, evidence-based programs and emotional, practical and financial support throughout their schooling and tertiary education.
The Smith Family give disadvantaged students the skills, motivation and essentials to stay in school and get the most from their education so they can create a better future for themselves.
The Smith Family increase school readiness and provide support to disadvantaged primary and high school students to close the gap and create greater educational equality.
Please visit for more information. Please give generously.
We are delighted to be welcoming Lucinda Clay as our new school counsellor, commencing in Term 4. Lucinda will be here every Wednesday. Lucinda will contact previous families once she settles into her role.
2024 Kindergarten Transition Program
Our Kindergarten Transition Program begins in Term 4: We look forward to welcoming our 2024 Kindergarten students to ‘big’ school! A great opportunity to experience school staff, students and activities.

Unfortunately, Abigail was unable to attend the finals this year, due to a clash with another school event We congratulate Abigail on her progress through to Archdiocesan level and know that she would have made us very proud had she been able to attend.

We are very proud of his achievement and the school was able to watch and cheer him on online. Well Done Taite.
Tennis with Birdie in Term 4

Parents are asked to please not send food to children to school that needs to be heated or boiling water added. We are unable to accommodate these requests due to safety issues. Thank you for your understanding.
Term 3 Awards Assembly: Friday 22September at 2.30pm in the Learning Hub
Term 3 Concludes: Friday 22 September 3.15pm
Term 4 begins for students: Tuesday 10 October
ThinkUKnow Parent Online Forum: Tuesday 17 Oct from 8pm (please register using the link provided in COMPASS information) (Week 2)
Stage 2 Canberra Excursion: Wednesday 18 October (Week 2) permision and payment online via COMPASS for Yr 3/4 Class
Are you Bogged Mate? Hosted by Community Council in St Patrick’s School Hall-Friday 20 October from 5.30pm (Week 2)
Stage 3 Ballarat Excursion: Tuesday 31 October to Friday 3 November (Week 4) Permission and consent online via COMPASS or call into the office to make payments if you would prefer
First Holy Communion: Saturday 11 November
Year 5 2024 School Captain Speeches: Monday 13 Nov to Friday 17 November (Week 6)
2023 Award Day: Friday 8 December (Week 9)
Year 6 Graduation Mass: Friday 8 December 12pm
Term 4 Concludes: Friday 15 December
We are encouraging parents to please attend the online Parent Forum for ThinkUKnow presentation. Information was sent home via the COMPASS portal a few weeks ago with a registration link provided. There have been great reviews about the program!
The online parent information session has been organised for Tuesday 17 October from 8.00pm. ThinkUKnow Australia is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia, Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated child abuse material, online grooming, image-based abuse, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour. Please encourage families to attend the session. Content is not for children.
Week 10 - In this week's final session for the term for our Peer Support the module will be Taking Opportunities the children will reflect on what they have learned over the past nine weeks. The activities help children identify their personal qualities, strengths and support network. They will be given the opportunity to practise ways of being resilient through role play and celebrate what they have learned
With Term 4 approaching and our Summer Menu being discussed and planned we are calling upon our parents to volunteer to help out with cooking cupcakes, cookies or volunteer your time to work in the canteen with other mums. If you are in a position to help out once or twice a term if you could please let Alicia Hargreaves know by emailing or contact the office by the end of the week. Alicia will be drafting up the roster which will go home at the start of Term 4.
We would really appreciate some more parents/grandparents if they could assist during Term 4.
Just a reminder also that there will be NO CANTEEN THIS FRIDAY.
Congratulations to our Week 8 Week 9 Class Awards
Kindergarten - Sophia Knight-Gregson for showing care and concern to others
Kindergarten - Olivia Smart for excellent story writing
Yr 1 - Isabella Melksham for consistent approach to completing all learning tasks
Yr 2 - Fletcher Smith for being a responsible class member who is always willing to help
Yr 2 - Remi Taylor
Yr 2 - Archie Peterson for his consistent application to his learning across all areas
Yr 3 - Jasper Rui for being a wizz at Mathematics
Yr 4 - Conor Cotterill for staying on task
Yr 5 - Harry Peterson for his aptitude in all areas
Yr 6 - Darby Jones for his descriptive note taking of events in "A Banner Bold"
Congratulations to our WildCat Awards for Week 9
RESPONSIBLE - Ethan Wu, Fletcher Smith, Lane Johnson, Charlotte McDonnell, Sarah Gailey, Nick Quine, Emily Ryan, Claudia Worldon, Gus Hufton and Chelsea Crowe
SAFE - Ammy Wu, Lachlan Morgan, Cindy Chen, Hamish Tobin, Skye Somerville, Darby Jones, Emma Ferguson and Emmy Gaskin
RESPECTFUL - Sophia Huang, Ammy Wu, Max Zhu, Gus Hufton, Kingsley McDonnell, Leila Gaskin, Remi Taylor, Jimmy Robinson, Jack Ryan, Lachlan Morgan, Emmy Gaskin

17th September - Denver Blundell
and for the last day of term 22nd September Remi Taylor
Holiday Clinic - Rugby, Rugby League, Touch & Oztag
TUMUT School Holiday SPEED & SIDESTEP Clinic - Saturday 30th September.
Does your child want to:
Develop an EXPLOSIVE sidestep
FAST footwork
SPEED to burn
They need to come along to this clinic.
Rugby, Rugby League, Touch & Oztag players from 8yrs up.
Register now as spots are filling fast, details below:
Saturday 30th September - 3pm to 5pm
Tumut Bullants Junior Rugby Club
Book by clicking on the below link and develop an explosive
SIDESTEP, SPEED & FAST FOOTWORK these school holidays.
We wish all of our St Patrick's Community an enjoyable school holiday break. Be Safe and enjoy the beautiful weather. See you all in Term 4 - Tuesday 10th of October