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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- St Patrick's Day Family Mass
- St Patrick's Day Celebrations
- Gundagai Producers Markets
- Halthy Harold - Life Education Van Visits
- Beading with Miss Baron and the Clever Creators
- No More REST Days for Kinder
- Year 5/6 Easter Egg Raffle
- Save the Children-Family Support and Connect
- Reports of Headlice
- Winter Uniform Orders
- Meet and Greet Parent/Teacher Information Evening Postponed
- Term1 Dates for Calendar
- Sporting Opportunities for Years 3-6
- Save the Date - St Patrick's Cross Country
- WWCC for Parent Volunteers
- NAPLAN Dates for Years 3 and 5
- Student of the Month & Principal Awards Presentation - Week 5 (1st March 2024)
- Week 4 and Week 5 Class Awards
- WildCat Awards - Week 4 and Week 5
- Canteen Roster
- Radio News
- Altar Serving
- Birthdays
- Boost your Child's Brain for Learning
- What's on in Gundagai - March
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we were excited to welcome back Mrs Hughes after her recent surgery. Mrs Hughes looks well rested and very ready to take on her multiple teaching roles once again. Please continue to keep Mrs Wilson in your prayers. We hope that it won’t be too long until she is also back with us again too. A huge thank you to Mrs Denise Reardon and Miss Hannah Baron, who have done such a wonderful job supporting our students while our teachers have been absent.
Congratulations to all of the students who represented us at the Archdiocesan Swimming Carnival in Boorowa yesterday. From all reports it was a fabulous day and lots of new PB’s attained. Congratulation to all our swimmers on giving their best in the pool as are very proud of the efforts of all our swimmers.
The Life Education Van visits began today with Year 4/5 and K/1 being the first classes to attend the education program and meet up with their friend Healthy Harold! Tomorrow the rest of the classes will also get the same opportunity. Pleases see times and topics below. The students will be provided with a workbook that will support their PD/Health units while exploring more about the topic they were introduced to during their visit.
LACROSSE SPORT: Our swimming program has now concluded. All students K-6 will now be participating in the Lacrosse Sport program run by Gecko Sports. Please remember our SPORT Day has now changed to TUESDAY for the next five weeks. Today’s Lacrosse lessons were very much enjoyed by all of our students.
Last week we were very privileged to have Steph Cooke, MP visit our school. Steph’s main reason for a visit was to present Taite Johnson with his award after he was named one of the winners of a Vegemite drawing competition, celebrating Vegemite’s 100th birthday at the end of last year. Taite was presented with his very own jar of Vegemite with his name on it as well as some lovely art and craft materials. Congratulations Taite!

Steph also took time out to meet with the School Captains and Year 6 leaders, to discuss leadership. During the discussion Steph noticed the students’ beaded bracelets and commented on them. Dylan Ryder spent his lunchtime beading time making a bracelet for Steph with the word ‘humble’ in lettering, as he felt that reflected Steph as a leader. A photo was sent off to Steph who was very taken by the beautiful bracelet. She is keen to come back soon for another visit to accept the beautiful gift from Dylan. Well done Dylan!

I will be away this week attending the annual Principal Retreat in Bowral. Mrs Kate Howe will be Acting Principal during this time. I am very grateful to Mrs Howe for stepping up into this role while also continuing in her roles as teacher and REC.
Best wishes for the week ahead.
Christine Baron
Altar Serving
The latest Altar Serving roster was sent home last week for you to place onto the fridge for easy access. I want to say thank you for the amazing families who have already arranged swaps as their allocated date was not convenient for their families. Thank you for being so responsible and easy to work with. Compiling rosters is never an easy task, however you as families are always so very helpful in reorganising when necessary.
If possible, could you please advise Jackie in the Office or myself, if a swap has been arranged so we can add this to our School Newsletter.
Mass this Friday
This Friday Year 4/5 and Mr Makeham, will present our School Mass. The theme of almsgiving has been chosen. During Lent we are encouraged to give to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. The readings and prayers of the Mass will remind us of our Christian duties.
Project Compassion
(Week beginning Monday 4 March) |
![]() Leaia lives with her five children, husband, brother and sister-in-law on the island of Upolu in Samoa. Not having access to a reliable source of clean water caused Leaia a lot of worry. Their home is not connected to a piped water system, so they had to rely solely on rainwater collected in old fridges. When their water ran out, Leaia had to walk with her young children to collect water in buckets and containers from a neighbour down the street. With the support of Caritas Australia's local partner, Caritas Samoa, a water tank was installed at Leaia's home. She and her family now have a steady supply of clean drinking water at home. Next year, they will also have a toilet built, with the support of Caritas Samoa, which will further improve their health and living conditions. “We are very thankful and grateful for the water tank. It has helped us so much and made our daily life easier,” Leaia said. Watch Leaia’s Story Please donate to Project Compassion. Together, we can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow for all future generations. You can donate through Project Compassion donation boxes, online by visiting or by calling 1800 024 413. Photo: Laura Womersley/Caritas Australia. |
For decades, Project Compassion has been the heart and soul of Caritas Australia and has touched the lives of so many. It brings us closer as a community, as an organisation and ultimately, as a human family.
Once again, the theme for Project Compassion is ‘For all future generations.’ Inspired by the Bible’s story of the burning bush (Exodus 3:1-20), this theme reminds us that the good that we do today will create a lasting impact for generations to come.
Family Mass

We would love to make this a special occasion and involve as many families as we can. Everyone is most welcome to come along and be part of this Family Mass. Dress in your green clothes and celebrate our ‘Patron Saint’, St Patrick.
Children / or families that are willing to assist in the Mass with Readings, Prayers of the Faithful, Offertory, Choir are asked to complete the slip on the invitation and return it to Mrs. Howe by Thursday 7th March.
Special dates leading up to Easter.
24th March – Palm Sunday Mass 6 pm
28th March – Holy Thursday Mass 7 pm
29th March – Good Friday Stations of the Cross 10 am and Passion of the Lord 3 pm
30th March – Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil Mass 6 pm
- We will be asking for Alter Servers for all these ceremonies. If you can assist, please let me know.
Kate Howe REC

Saturday 9th of March
Where: Carberry Park
Time: 9.00am - 2.00pm
Gundagai Visitor Infomation Centre will be holding their first Gundagai Producers Market for 2024 on this Saturday.
Drop in and support the amazing local producers and grab some goodies. Stallholder applications to attend this market are available via the Visitor Centre Website:
Halthy Harold - Life Education Van Visits
Tuesday 5 March:
- 11.30-1.00pm: Year 4/5-BCyberwise
- 2.00-3.00pm: Year K/1-Harold’s Friends
Wednesday 6 March:
- 9.30-11.00am Year 3-Friends and Feelings
- 11.30-1.00pm: Year 6-Take a Breath
- 2.00-3.00pm: Year 2-Growing Friends
Beading with Miss Baron and the Clever Creators
A huge thank you to Miss Baron and the Clever Creators for spending their lunch times giving students the opportunity to create beautiful, beaded bracelets. The activity has been very popular with most students participating across the two weeks. Special thanks to Miss Baron for supplying all the materials needed to create the bracelets. Library lunchtime with Miss Hughes will resume again this week.

Just a reminder to our Kindergarten class that this will be the first full week of learning. No More Kinder "Rest Days"
Save the Children-Family Support and Connect
Family Connect and Support connects families with the right services and support to help them overcome challenges they may be facing.
This may include:
- Parenting challenges
- Financial stress
- Substance abuse
- Family breakdown
- Housing issues
- Mental health
- Domestic and family violence
The service is funded by the NSW government, and is free and voluntary.
54 reasons, the name Save the Children’s work here in Australia is delivered under, provides Family Connect and Support services in Murrumbidgee including the regional centres of Wagga Wagga, Albury-Wodonga and Griffith. Our team consists of six highly skilled social workers and senior practitioners who can help families access the support they need to make positive changes.
Please use the link provided if you would like to find out more about this great support for families, parents and children.

If parents could please place their orders online by the end of Week 8 (22nd March) so orders can be sent home before end of term 1. Winter uniform is to be worn in Term 2.
Steps to locate our online ordering for uniforms
* website
* Hover over Parents Tab, scroll to Uniforms
* Click on the "Online Shop is now Live" link which will take you directly to the website to order uniforms and pay online.
Once order is placed Tash will call into the office to pack the orders to be sent home with your children.
Meet and Greet Parent/Teacher Information Evening Postponed

St Patrick’s Day Celebrations-Friday 15 March (Week 7)
St Patrick's Family Mass - Saturday 16th March 6pm
NAPLAN Years 3 and 5 - Monday 18 March to Friday 22 March (Week 8)
- Harmony Day-Friday 22 March
- Good Friday-Friday 29 March
- Easter Sunday-Sunday 31 March
- Easter Monday-Monday 1 April.
- St Patrick’s Cross Country-Thursday 4 April (Week 10)
- Term 1 concludes-Friday 12 April
Sporting Opportunities for Years 3-6
Thank you to parent’s who have nominated students for the Netball/Soccer and Rugby Gala Days.
Working With Children Checks (WWCC) are now mandatory for all parents who volunteer on a regular basis for school activities. Volunteers who volunteer more than five days in a calendar year are now required by law to have a WWCC (Volunteer) clearance. This is will include all our canteen workers and anyone who volunteers on a regular basis. If you are rostered on our St Patrick’s Tuckshop or a regular volunteer, could you please go to the and apply for a WWCC for Volunteers. There is NO cost involved.
Once you have obtained the WWCC (Volunteer) certificate, could you please present it to the front office so that it can be verified. As this is a new requirement, we are asking all tuckshop volunteers to have it completed by Friday 12 April (end of Term 1). Thank you to all our wonderful parent volunteers, for your continued support of our school, as we would be unable to conduct many school activities without you. It is greatly appreciated.
NAPLAN Dates for Years 3 and 5

The assessments will be completed on the following days:
Monday 18 March-Writing
Tuesday 19 March-Reading
Wednesday 20 March-Language Conventions
Thursday 21 March-Numeracy
Friday 22 March-Catch Up Day
Student of the Month & Principal Awards Presentation - Week 5 (1st March 2024)
Congratulations to our Week 5 Student of the Month and Principal's Awards
Kindergarten - Anna Nicholls
Year 1 - Hamish Tobin
Year 2 - Imogen Graham
Year 3 - Lane Johnson
Year 4 - Leila Gaskin
Year 5 - Eliza Graham
Year 6 - Emily Ryan (Absent)
Principal's Awards (week 5)
Chase Robinson, RV Calub, Pippi Nicholls

Week 4 and Week 5 Class Awards
Congratulations to our Week 4 and Week 5 Class Awards
Friday 23rd February (Week 4)
Kindergarten - Tannah Elliott for asking great questions in class discussions - Always keen to learn
Year 1 - Charlston Rizalde for doing well with number work in Maths
Year 2 - Claudia Worldon fo rhaving a go and working independently
Year 3 - Lilly Ferguson for showing her happy and positive attitude
Year 4 - Mackenzie Little for perserverance when things get tough
Year 5 - Oliver Crowe for an outstanding start to 2024
Year 6 - Taite Johnson for listening carefully and working with diligence
Friday 1st March (Week 5)
Kindergarten - Lilly Barton for trying hard with her writing
Year 1 - Olivia Smart for showing a responsible attitude towards all classwork
Year 2 - Toby Nicholls for his application to his learning especially in Maths
Year 3 - Kingsley McDonnell for excellent class participation
Year 4 - Charlie Ryder for an improved effort and application to learning
Year 5 - Conor Cotterill for great participation in Maths tasks
Year 5 - Indi Cole for consistent high standards
Year 6 - Charlie Brown for giving 100% in core activities
Year 6 - Harry Peterson for great participation in class discussions

WildCat Awards - Week 4 and Week 5
Congratulations to our WildCat Awards for Week 4 and Week 5
RESPONSIBLE - Reuben Smart, Sam Hufton, Harley Rose, Hamish Tobin, Charlotte Kennedy, Chelsea Crowe, Anna Nicholls, Harry Ryder, Pippi Nicholls, Gus Hufton, Taite Johnson
RESPECT - Molly Lott, Max Zhu, RV Calub, Mackenzie Little, Eliza Graham, Kaydee Smith, Sarah Gailey, Lilly Ferguson x 2, Indi Cole
SAFE - Parker Melksham, Harley Rose

Tune into "Sounds of the Mountains" radio station (FM94.1) every Wednesday at 2.15pm to hear about what our classes and school has been up to over the week. Catch up with our Yr 6 leaders as they share our weekly news report:
Week 10 (3rd April) - Chase Robinson and Andrew Cole
Week 11 (10th April) - Emma Ferguson and Emily Ryan
Therefore, Mass times in May will be:
Saturday 6 April Mass will be 6pm
Saturday 13 April and onwards, Mass will change to 5pm
Sending out a Birthday Cheer to the following students & staff who have recently celebrated birthdays
21st February - Michael Winters
22nd February - Gus Hufton
26th February - Billy Eccleston, Max Zhu, Charlie Brown
1st March - Parker Melksham
2nd March - Lane Johnson
Mr Makeham also celebrated a special birthday over the weekend

Boost your Child's Brain for Learning
Food is foundational to wellbeing and learning. With NAPLAN upon us, we thought we'd share this article for parents called ?Boost your child's brain for learning. |