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- Principal Report
- REC News
- Fun Facts about St Patrick's Day
- St Patrick's Cross Country Date
- Holy Week/Easter Mass Times for the Tumut Mission
- NAPLAN Dates for Years 3 and 5
- Year 5/6 Easter Egg Raffle
- ANZAC Day 2024
- WWCC for Parent Volunteers
- Meet and Greet Parent/Teacher Information Evening New Date
- Sports Day - Tuesday
- Well-Being Funding
- Harmony Day
- Canteen Volunteers (Cooking and Workers)
- Winter Uniform Orders
- Thank You - "Mud Kitchen"
- Term 1 Key Dates
- Come Try Day for Hockey
- Weekly Awards
- WildCat Awards
- Radio News
- Altar Serving
- Canteen Roster
- Birthdays
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are certainly going to have a busy end to Term 1! There are so many things happening across the school, so I urge you to read the important information and dates below, and pop dates into home calendars or phones so that you don’t miss out on anything!
WELCOME BACK: It is wonderful to have Mrs Wilson back with us after a recent and very unexpected operation and following some post operative setbacks. Thank you to all our wonderful relief staff, especially Mrs Denise Reardon, who have assisted with keeping Year 6 on task with learning activities, throughout this period of time.
ST PATRICK’S DAY CELEBRATIONS: What a wonderful day we had celebrating St Patrick’s Day last Friday. Our school was a ‘sea of green’ as students and staff dressed in their favourite St Patrick’s Day outfits and accessories. The celebrations included a celebration cake, Mass, special lunch order and a variety of fun activities to conclude the day. Our school patron St Patrick was born in the year AD397. He spent 60 years travelling around Ireland teaching people about God. The shamrock flower became a symbol used by Saint Patrick to teach people about God. Each of the leaves represents an element of faith: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The shamrock flower, being green in colour, is thought to be one of the reasons people wear green on St. Patrick's Day.
WELL-BEING FUNDING: St Patrick’s have been very fortunate to receive funding from the Commonwealth Government to support Well Being initiatives. The funding will support schools to respond to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and successive lockdowns on the mental health and wellbeing of their students. Please see below our proposed program for utilising these funds to support our students K-6.
PRINCIPAL’S RETREAT: Last week I had the opportunity to be present at our annual Principal’s Retreat and listen to the profound and inspiring words of Fr. Timothy Radcliffe. Fr Timothy OP, stands as a distinguished figure within the Catholic Church, acclaimed for his profound contributions as both an English Catholic priest and a Dominican friar. Born on August 22, 1945, Radcliffe's spiritual journey has been marked by a rich tapestry of theological insights, intellectual pursuits, and leadership roles. He was Master of the Order of Preachers from 1992 to 2001, during which he provided guidance and direction to the global Dominican community. Beyond his administrative responsibilities, Fr. Timothy Radcliffe is widely recognized for his thought-provoking writings, engaging lectures, and a deep-seated commitment to fostering dialogue and understanding within the Catholic Church. Most recently he was chosen by Pope Francis in 2023 to lead the pre-Synod Retreat and as one of those chosen to provide regular reflections for the members during the Synod. Fr Timothy provided us with inspiring messages of hope as well as unique insights into our role as leaders of Catholic Education in the areas of Discipleship, Ministry, Mission and Leadership. A very inspiring two days of reflection, prayer and companionship.
EASTER PAGEANT: Every few years, our school produces a beautiful Easter Pageant that focuses on Jesus journey through the Stations of the Cross in the lead up to Easter. We are delighted to present this pageant to family and friends on Wednesday 27 March, commencing at 11.30am.
Best wishes for a happy week ahead,
Christine Baron
Family Mass

There were so many beautiful comments made by our parishioners, including one lady, who said the Mass made her heart sing, as she felt so joyful. Well-done St Patrick’s families and our amazing children. I felt so proud to be part of this special occasion.
Holy Week – Journey with Jesus

This will be a memorable presentation to remind us of the supreme sacrifice Jesus gave us on Good Friday.
We warmly invite all our families and friends to be with us and ‘Journey with Jesus, in the school playground, beginning at 11:30 am.
Bring a chair.

Project Compassion
During Lent, Project Compassion invites us to support people throughout the world who need assistance. The Church recognises the human dignity of each person. There are so many people in our world who have very little. Any contribution that we can make to Project Compassion will be greatly appreciated.
Project Compassion Boxes can be returned after Easter before the Term concludes.
Easter Altar Servers and Readers

If you and your family would like to assist in any way, please let me know as soon as possible or write your name on the rosters at the back of the Church.
- Good Friday – 10 am Stations of the Cross
- 3 pm Passion of the Lord
- Holy Saturday – 6 pm Easter Vigil Mass
Sacramental of Reconciliation
The Sacramental Program for Reconciliation will begin early in Term 2. The children in Year 3 are eligible to prepare for this Sacrament. If there is anyone else, who may have missed preparing and receiving this Sacrament, please let me know.
- Enrolment forms are available to download on the St Patrick’s Parish website or contact me.
Dates will be announced shortly.
Altar Serving Training and Picnic
Father Joe will hold an Altar Servers training session on Friday 10th May. This session will begin after 12 noon, with a picnic lunch provided by the parish, and then some refresher instructions for our Altar Servers.
Those children who are receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are invited to attend and consequently begin their Altar serving role within the parish. In the past, the children begin this role after receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist however, Father believes these children are ready to assist the Parish in this special role.
If there are any children who would like to become an Altar Server or is not on the roster, please let me know.
St Joseph

He is honoured as the patron of the Universal Church, of fathers, of families and so many other patronages. March 19 has been dedicated as the Feast of Saint Joseph. We honour the humble Saint Joseph for his life-long sacrifice and protection of Mary and our Lord Jesus.
St Joseph will be honoured and celebrated by Year Two in their Mass on Friday 22nd March. Everyone is welcome to join this celebration.
Wishing you a happy, holy and safe Easter.
Kate Howe
Fun Facts about St Patrick's Day
Wearing green on St. Patrick's Day means the leprechauns can't see you! If they can't see you, they can't pinch you.
The original colour associated with Saint Patrick was blue.
St. Patrick's Day is a national holiday in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Traditionally people eat corned beef and cabbage dishes on St. Patrick's Day
St Patrick's Cross Country Date
Thursday 4 April-Week 10. Parent Volunteers are most appreciated to assist with check points and other organisational jobs. Please return notes to Mrs Carberry ASAP.
The WR Cross Country will be held in Batlow on Thursday 2 May.
Holy Week/Easter Mass Times for the Tumut Mission
(Immaculate Conception’s Tumut, St Patrick’s Gundagai, St James’ Adelong, St. Mary’s Batlow, St. Paul’s Talbingo).
All families are welcome to attend Holy Week and Easter Masses. Please see dates and times below for each of the churches in our Tumut Mission. Fr Joe will be assisted by Fr Eden from Canberra over the Easter period. Gundagai Mass services are highlighted in green.
Palm Sunday, 24th March 2024
- St Patrick’s Gundagai, at 6pm on Saturday (Vigil)
- Immaculate Conception’s Tumut, Sunday, at 10am
- Mary’s Batlow, Sunday, at 5pm
Holy Thursday, 28th March 2024, at 7pm
- Immaculate Conception’s Tumut
- St Patrick’s Gundagai
Good Friday, 29th March 2024
- Stations of the Cross, at 10am
- Immaculate Conception’s Tumut
- St Patrick’s Gundagai
- Good Friday Service, at 3pm
- Immaculate Conception’s Tumut
- St Patrick’s Gundagai
Holy Saturday, 30th March 2024, at 6pm
- Immaculate Conception’s Tumut
- St Patrick’s Gundagai
Easter Sunday, 31st March 2024
- Immaculate Conception’s Tumut, at 10am
- St James’ Adelong, at 8.30am
St Patrick’s Gundagai, at 8am
NAPLAN Dates for Years 3 and 5
Years 3 and 5 began their NAPLAN assessment last Wednesday 18 March commencing with the Writing Assessment. All other assessments will take place from Monday 18 March through to Friday 22 March (Week 8). It is important that all Year 3 and 5 students are here at school during that week.
The assessments will be completed on the following days:
Monday 18 March-Reading
Tuesday 19 March-Language Conventions
Wednesday 20 March-Numeracy
Friday 22 March-Catch Up Day

All students are invited to participate in the parade and will need to meet outside Lott’s Family Hotel at 10.15am, ready to march at 10.30am. Students will need to be dressed int heir full summer school uniform and wear a jumper if the weather turns cool.
A free sausage sizzle for families will be held in Carberry Park at the conclusion of the parade.
Working With Children Checks (WWCC) are now mandatory for all parents who volunteer on a regular basis for school activities. Volunteers who volunteer more than five days in a calendar year are now required by law to have a WWCC (Volunteer) clearance. This is will include all our canteen workers and anyone who volunteers on a regular basis. If you are rostered on our St Patrick’s Tuckshop or a regular volunteer, could you please go to the and apply for a WWCC for Volunteers. There is NO cost involved.
Once you have obtained the WWCC (Volunteer) certificate, could you please present it to the front office so that it can be verified. As this is a new requirement, we are asking all tuckshop volunteers to have it completed by Friday 12 April (end of Term 1). Thank you to all our wonderful parent volunteers, for your continued support of our school, as we would be unable to conduct many school activities without you. It is greatly appreciated.
Meet and Greet Parent/Teacher Information Evening New Date

A Meet and Greet Evening for parents will take place on Wednesday 1 May (Term 2).
A free family BBQ will be available on the evening and babysitting available.
5.00pm-BBQ available from 5.00pm onwards for families
5.30pm-Whole School Meeting for all families
5.45pm-Open Classrooms for parents:
Information on the following teaching programs and High Impact Teaching Strategies available:
*Daily Review Demonstration
*CECG Literacy programs including InitiaLit (K-2)
*CECG Ochre Maths Programs
*Spelling Mastery
*Homework Expectations
* Q & A
RSVP Essential:
We are asking families to please RSVP to this event, so we are able to cater appropriately and organise classrooms structured times if required. Please RSVP by Thursday 11 April. An invitation will be sent home today if you could please fill it out and return to the office ASAP.
Please remember Sport Day has changed to Tuesday’s for the rest of the term. As the Netball Gala Day is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 26 March, we have moved our final Lacrosse session to Tuesday 9 April. Our annual St Patrick’s Cross Country will be held on Thursday 4 April, which means sport uniform needs to be worn on Tuesday and Thursday of Week 10.
As mentioned above, St Patrick’s School has received funding to support a well-being and mental health school initiative. With the funding we have engaged Mitch and Ash Waddell to run their Mentoring Program for boys and girls. Mitch and Ash will focus on the following topics and delver the program across the school year.
-Building resilience and dealing with conflict
-Limiting beliefs and fear of failure
-Positive relationships and identifying positive role models
-Healthy mind and body
The activities and discussions are based around positive psychology which allow the students to lead the topic discussions. They encourage open ended and safe discussions as well as identifying positive behaviours amongst the groups. The sessions will be divided into K-2 Boy and Girl separate sessions as well as Years 3-6 Boy and Girl separate sessions.
Mitch and Ash currently run similar programs at other local schools which have been very positively received. Our first session will be held on Monday 8 April.
The remainder of our funding will go towards supporting K-6 school excursions this year. Each child per family will receive a discount on the cost of their class excursion.

-Students to wear orange/yellow/red clothing
-Lunchtime multicultural feast (prepared by our lovely family volunteers)
-Harmony Day classroom activities.
Please order the special lunch order via the Schools 24 App by Thursday afternoon.
Canteen Volunteers (Cooking and Workers)

Cupcakes are sold on a Monday morning by our Yr 6 children and we ask for parents to supply 36 iced cupcakes. They can be sent into school with your children or dropped off to the canteen/office on Monday mornings before 11am.

Friday Canteen Volunteers - Have you thought about volunteering a few hours in the canteen every Friday? We would love to hear from new and old families to offer additional support to our current volunteers already on the roster in Term 1.
If you would like to go on the Term 2 Roster to cook cupcakes, cookies or even work in the canteen with experienced mums please contact the office. You only need to do it once a term if that is all you can offer.
We have a few families leaving at the end of this year and would like to try and reach out to a few more families to start training now.
We need more volunteers to share the load of cooking. If you could volunteers once a term or more than please contact Jacki at the office.

If parents could please place their orders online by the end of Week 8 (22nd March) so orders can be sent home before end of term 1. Winter uniform is to be worn in Term 2.
Steps to locate our online ordering for uniforms
* website
* Hover over Parents Tab, scroll to Uniforms
* Click on the "Online Shop is now Live" link which will take you directly to the website to order uniforms and pay online.
Once order is placed Tash will call into the office to pack the orders to be sent home with your children.
SRC Team Colours Day - Thursday 11 April (Week 11)
Week 10 Awards Assembly-2.30pm Friday 12 April (Week 11)
Term 1 concludes-Friday 12 April
ANZAC DAY-Thursday 25 April (second week of school holidays
Term 2 commences: Tuesday 30 April
Parent/Teacher-Meet and Greet Evening: Wednesday 1 May from 5.00pm onwards
WR Cross Country at Batlow: Thursday 2 May
Reconciliation Classes begin: Tuesday 7 May at 3.30pm
CYSMA Journeying with Jesus-Year 6 Retreat at McAuley College Tumut-Wednesday 8 May
Mother’s Day celebrations-Friday 10 May
Director of Education: Mr Ross Fox Visit-Friday 10 May from 1pm
Reconciliation Commitment Mass-Saturday 11 May at 6pm
For any keen Hockey players we have received the attached flyer from Wagga Hockey for their upcoming "come try day" on this Friday 22nd of March
Congratulations to our Week 6 and Week 7 class awards
Week 6 - Friday 8th March
Kindergarten - Ivy Lyu for putting effort into all her school work
Year 1 - Noah Zhu for wonderful listening in class
Year 2 - Josie Lott for sharing her news with growing confidence and working independently
Year 3 - Max Zhu for quick and accurate number work
Year 4 - Reuben Smart for consistently achieving at a high level
Year 5 - Emma Brown for showcasing her creative flair
Year 6 - Chase Robinson for being a positive role model to others
Week 7 - Friday 13th March
Kindergarten - Sam Hufton for producing quality work and always trying hard
Year 1 - William Potter for displaying focused behaviour during Literacy time
Year 2 - Isabella Melksham for being a kind and caring class member
Year 3 - Archie Peterson for always giving everything your best effort in class
Year 4 - Zoe Paton for always striving for improvement
Year 5 - Eliza Graham for excellent effort in all areas
Year 6 - Andrew Cole for a positive attitude
Year 6 - Emma Ferguson for insigtful and in depth response to class novel "Rivet Boy"
Congratulations to our Week 6 and Week 7 WildCat Awards - Keep up the great work
RESPONSIBLE - Alfie Eccleston, Pippi Nicholls, Michael Winters, William Potter, Charlston Rizalde, Chelsea Crowe, Juno Bock, Clancy Smart, Sam Hufton, Anna Nicholls, Noah Zhu, Chase Robinson, Emily Ryan, Skye Somerville, Isabella Boswell, Olivia Smart
RESPECT - Claudia Worldon, Harry Peterson, Dylan Ryder, Emily Ryan, Chelsea Crowe, Harley Rose, Nick Quine, Emma Ferguson, Gus Hufton
SAFE- Ammy Wu

Tune into "Sounds of the Mountains" radio station (FM94.1) every Wednesday at 2.15pm to hear about what our classes and school has been up to over the week. Catch up with our Yr 6 leaders as they share our weekly news report:
Week 10 (3rd April) - Chase Robinson and Andrew Cole
Week 11 (10th April) - Emma Ferguson and Emily Ryan
Therefore, Mass times in May will be:
Saturday 6 April Mass will be 6pm
Saturday 13 April and onwards, Mass will change to 5pm