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Dear Parents, Children and Friends,
As we venture further into Term 4 we continue to strive for excellence in and out of the classroom.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. Colossians 3:23-24
The children are busy writing and publishing their written work, reading high quality texts and thoroughly enjoying varied number problem solving activities. Congratulations to all children involved in community events like Fun in the Park and the successful busking competition over the weekend. It is lovely to see our children contributing in so many ways in the local community.
Second Kindergarten Orientation Day this Tuesday
We welcome our new 2019 Kinder children back this Tuesday from 9 am to 12pm. The children attended their first day last week and Mrs Carberry reported each and every child was so settled, at ease and confident to be present at “big” school. This is a positive indicator of the great lead in preparation by Vincent, Kerri-Ann and Natasha Smith in the Supportive Playgroups during Term 3 and both our Pre-Schools.
Mission Fundraising Crazy Hair and Sock Day
Many thanks to all children and families for your generous support of the Catholic Missions commitment to raising much needed funds for overseas projects supporting education in marginalised communities. It was such a bright and colourful day with all children thoroughly enjoying laying out all their spare change for the coin lines.
Australian Mathematics Competition Results
Nine students at our school entered this year and are to be congratulated for choosing to be extended in what is a most challenging Australian wide test. Students are asked to solve 30 problems in 60 minutes (Years 3–6) The problems are designed to test mathematical thinking and questions are designed so that they can be answered just as quickly without a calculator as with one. The problems gradually increase in difficulty throughout the competition.
Congratulations go to Lily McDonnell for achieving a credit!
Children who received Proficiency certificates were: Oliver Gailey, Jessica McDonnell, Sam Turck, Sarah Scott, Sadie Eccleston, Will Naughton, Allie Sullivan and Abbey Flanagan.
Sports Day this Wednesday
The children will continue to have tennis lessons with Birdie this week with a change of sport to Wednesday this week for K to 6, due to the Year’s 3-6 children heading to the Cricket Blast Day at Stan Crowe Oval on Thursday. All children need to wear their sports uniform on Wednesday.
We also welcome Miss Lani Wells next week to take charge of 5/6 for week’s Four and Five as I undertake two weeks leave.
Have a lovely week,
Lisa Wilson
Catholic Mission Appeal- Rock your socks and crazy hair day

Last Friday the whole school was out of uniform with crazy hair and crazy socks raising money to support Catholic Mission Month. We had our class coin lines and the longest line was Years 5 and 6, well done. Congratulations to our whole school community, was raised $507.20 which will go to Myanmar to help further develop the mission of educating children.
What do the Scriptures Say?
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news.” Isaiah 52: 7. (NRSV)
Who would think the feet of the messenger are beautiful if the messenger is announcing peace?
Why do you think peace is good news?
Who would Isaiah say this to if he was talking today?
How would you share this message today?
How do you live peacefully?
What is the good news message for the children in Myanmar?
How can you be part of that message?
Why are messages shared from the mountains so often in the scriptures?
Dates to mark on your calendar:
02/11- Mass led by Years 3 and 4 (9:30am) All Souls Day
09/11- Liturgy led by Years 1 and 2 (12:30pm).
16/11- Mass led by Years 3 and 4(12pm).
23/11- Liturgy led by Kinder (12pm).
30/11- Mass led by Years 5 and 6 (12pm).
07/12- No Mass or Liturgy
13/12(Thursday)- School Nativity (6pm)
14/12- End of Year Mass led by SRC (12pm).
Sport this Wednesday
Please note that our Tennis lessons for everyone this week will be held on Wednesday due to the Years 3/4/5/6 participating in the local Woolworths Cricket Blast School Cup day.
Please ensure that your children are in full sports uniform with sunscreen and their hat.
Week 1 Term 4
KINDERGARTEN: Isabella Boswell - Improved writing! Keep it up!
YEAR 1/2: Emmy Gaskin - improving confidence in our dice adding game.
YEAR 3/4: William Gaskin - pushing comfort zones by reading a more complex story. Great to see!
YEAR 5/6: Maya Flanagan - for successfully highlighting and creating awareness of a marginalised group in an RE assessment task.
Week 2 Term 4
KINDERGARTEN: Joseph Gailey - showing care and compassion for classmates.
YEAR 1/2: Charlie Hindmarsh - excellent work in Number Patterns.
YEAR 3/4: Sarah Scott - improved setting out and presentation of bookwork.
YEAR 5/6: Isaac Pearce - persistence and determination to solve challenging Pattern and Algebra problems.
Week 1 Term 4:
RESPECTFUL: Maya Flanagan, Tom Scott & Abbey Flanagan
Week 2 Term 4:
RESPONSIBLE: Oliver Gailey, Sadie Eccleston & Denver Blundell
RESPECTFUL: Juliet Pearce, Jezanna Winchester & Alexander Ryan
SAFE: Jack Peterson, Asher Jones, Sam Turck, Juliet Pearce, Charlie Stevens & Christyne Calub
Year 1 & 2 visit to Woolworths
Discovery Tour of Woolworths
We went to Woolworths for an excursion! We went at 10:00 am. It was a long walk there. When we got there Sarah Winchester gave us an apple hat then we looked at a machine to cook the bread.
Then we went into the back room. It was funny because Sarah said, "Don't let the door slap your partner." First Sarah showed us rotten food in big green bins. They smelled! Next, we looked at a big machine that can crush cardboard. It was cool! Next Sarah showed us a button that makes a ramp go up!
Darby Jones
Today my Teacher and class went to Woolworths. We went at 10:00 am. We looked at 2 big ovens. After we look at the 2 ovens we got an apple hat from Sarah. My partner was James Reardon. It was very cold and James looked funny with the apple hat but he said, "You look more funny!" We went a place for staff only and Sarah showed us a pallet lifter. It carries packages around places. We also went in these really cold freezers. One was -10 degrees! That's daytime in Canada. It was very cold. Then we asked some questions.
We saw this button that lifts up this metal thing so the truck can empty everything but if it bumps the building it has a rubber protector that puts the track back. After that, we saw a cardboard smasher machine. Then we saw this lady wrapping pumpkins with a wrapping machine thing. Then we played a game that we had to guess what's in paper bags.
Charlie Hindmarsh
Year 1/2 and the Teaches went on an excursion to Woolworths! It was amazing. First of all our tour guide was Sarah, Akacia's Mum. Sarah Gave us these hats that said Fresh Food Kids in Training. We saw the ovens that baked bread and cookies. The ovens were enormous!
Next, we went out the back where no customers can go! We went over to this spot and Sarah took this thing called a pallet lifter and showed us what to do. You drive it around and you can lift up pallets. She also showed us this ramp. So when the truck comes it stops on the rubbers and the ramp comes up. We saw the freezer and went inside. It was SO, SO, SO COLD! It was fun! Sarah said that it was -10 degrees and that it was that cold in Canada!
Next Sarah put vegies and fruits in bags and we had to guess what it was by feeling it and smelling it. Then Sarah chose people to pick them out. There was a cucumber, garlic, chilli, passionfruit, lemon and carrot. Then we ate some fruit. At the end Sarah gave us these bags that were filled with goodies. It was AMAZING!
Sohpie Graham
Orders for our annual fundraiser Crazy Camel are due into the front office by this Friday 2 November. Please see the instructions if you wish to select a photograph. If you require another sheet of paper, please collect from the front office. any queries please email
Many thanks for your support of this great fundraising event,
Laurent Gailey
Radio Presentation 2.30pm Wed | 31 October |
Abbey Flanagan Benji Leane |
7 November |
Maya Flanagan Hugh Graham |
Altar Serving Saturday 6pm | 3 November |
Tom Scott Sarah Scott |
10 November |
Molly McDonnell Abby Mcdonnell |
17 November |
Peter Reardon Lochie Wilson |
24 November |
Lillian McDonnell Addison Fairall |
Tuckshop Workers | 2 November |
Sarah Graham |
9 November |
Sam Johnson Renee Lindley |
16 November |
Simone Jones Colleen Jones |
Cookies | 2 November |
Lauren Gailey Jess Nugent |
9 November |
Sam Johnson Ruth Quine |
16 November |
Simone Jones Madeline Ryan |
Cupcake Monday | 5 November |
Lisa Ryan Shannon Bartlett |
12 November |
Jess Nugent Bec Wheeler |
19 November |
Michelle McDonnell Lisa Peterson |