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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- Melbourne Cup/Snail Race Activities
- Cricket Blast School Cup
- Condolences to the Morgan and Murdoch Families
- Riverina Conservatorium of Music - 2020 Scholarship
- Birth Announcement
- School Fees
- Grandparents Are Awesome - Writing Competition
- Wildcat Award Recipients
- Class Merit Award Recipients
- Birthdays
- Rosters
- Spirituality Day - PUPIL FREE DAY
- Family Mass
- First Holy Communion Preparation Day
- First Holy Communion Mass
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Week 4. A very exciting day here at St Patrick’s today with the annual snail race and fashions on the field events taking place. Congratulations to all our students and staff for entering into the fun of the day. Special mention must be made of our Year 6 students, who certainly dressed for the occasion and thoroughly enjoyed their final Melbourne Cup celebrations at St Patrick’s.
It has been lovely to welcome the Bock family back to St Patrick’s School. Finlay and Abigail have settled very quickly back into school life and their friends have been delighted to welcome them back. We have also been very excited to welcome our 2020 Kindergarten students to our orientation program. The last session will be a FULL day session and will be held next Friday the 15th November from 9.00-3.15pm. An exciting time for our future Kindies!
We also received some very delightful news on Friday with the arrival of Dixie Poppins and Daphne Charlotte Simpson. Congratulations to the very proud parents Doug and Miss Dawson (our wonderful relief teacher Cat).
Staff will be attending a Spirituality Day THIS Friday the 8th November. The theme of our day is ‘Building a Faith Filled Community’. St Patrick’s staff will be joining with St Joseph’s Adelong and St Mary’s Batlow staff for the day. Please note that ALL staff will be attending this day and therefore no one will be attending phones, etc.
We have very busy weeks as we head towards the end of the year. Please ensure you are following our calendar updates and keeping note of special school events that will be occurring. This Saturday evening, we are holding our second FAMILY MASS at 6pm at St Patrick’s Church. ALL families are more than welcome to attend.
Over the next few weeks, St Patrick’s staff will be working alongside CE staff, to help set future directions for St Patrick’s. Next week, Lora Bance will be assisting with setting goals for STEM activities including robotics and the following week, Phil Petitt will present our data analysis from ALL collected data including school surveys, NAPLAN and PAT assessments. The Leadership team will then prepare a presentation for CE staff based on our collective data and other information to enable us to set clear goals and direction for 2020 and beyond.
We thank God for the beautiful rain received on Sunday and continue to pray for more to come.
Best wishes for the week ahead,
Christine Baron
Wow! What a fantastic Mission Month we have celebrated at St Patrick’s. On Thursday we held our coin line. There was great fun (and some stiff competition) of who could make the longest line. Each class gave so generously and our crazy socks were absolutely bulging. Year Five/Six eventually made the longest line (double line). St Patrick’s have raised $551.60 which will be forwarded to Catholic Mission and sent to Ghana, to The Nazareth Home for God’s Children run by Sr Stan Therese Mumuni.
This was an outstanding effort by our School. Well done St Patrick’s families! We have helped to make a difference to many children’s lives.
First Holy Communion
Our lessons have begun with great enthusiasm and participation from our children and their families. We ask you to pray for Sophie Graham, Eliza Hargreaves, Charles Hindmarsh, Ellie McDonnell, Gracie Peterson, James Reardon, Tahlira Rose, Hugh Ryan, Joel Sharman, Akacia Winchester as they prepare for the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
The children role playing the Gospel story – The Road to Emmaus.
All Saints and All Souls Mass
Thank you, Year 3/4, Mr Ferguson and Mrs Reardon for organising and presenting a very special Mass on Friday. There was a huge amount of effort put into this beautiful remembrance celebration for the Saints and for those loved ones who have gone before us. There was so many School and Parish families represented in many ways through this Mass.
Family Mass
On Saturday 9th November we will be celebrating another Family Mass. Our last one was a great celebration with a large number of
children taking on many roles and responsibilities of the Mass.
Thank you once again to all those families who have offered to help. If you would like to be part of the Family Mass, and not yet returned your note, just let us know as soon as possible. Hope you can join us on Saturday night at 6pm.
Staff Spirituality Day
This coming Friday our St Patrick’s Staff will join the Staff of St Mary’s Batlow and St Joseph’s Adelong for our Spirituality Day. We will meet in Tumut and be lead through various sessions by Catholic Education personal. We are looking forward to an inspirational day.
Walking with you in Faith and Knowledge,
Mrs. Howe
Melbourne Cup/Snail Race Activities
Our annual Melbourne Cup activities were again a huge hype within the school. We had some absolutely amazing outfits, some glamorous dresses, wigs, pearls, high heels and lots of glitz and glamour in all our children. Thank you to all parents and children for making this day such a fun event every year.
Our Snail Race was a close contest but this year's winner was James Reardon with his speedy little snail "Jonathan" Max Graham presented James with his winners trophy filled with lots of treats.

This Wednesday 6th of November our Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 will walk down to Stan Crowe Oval and participate in the Woolworths Cricket Blast School Cup. These events are conducted in a fun and safe learning environment, with mixed teams experiencing cricket. We will arrrive at the oval at 9:15am for a 9:30am start and the day will be finished at 2:15pm. This is a FREE event and equipment will be provided by Cricket NSW but if your child would like to bring their own bat they are encouraged to do so.
Please ensure you pack lots of water, sunscreen, morning tea and your lunch.
Condolences to the Morgan and Murdoch Families
The St Patrick's School Community send our deepest condolences to John, Amanda, Lachlan and Zoe Morgan for the recent passing of their father/grandfather.
We would also like to send out our condolences to Paul Murdoch, Brooke, Jacob and Alix Kerin on the recent passing of their beloved father/grandfather "Slim".
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all throughout this difficult time.
Riverina Conservatorium of Music - 2020 Scholarship
Our school community would like to send out a huge congratuations to Sarah Scott who on Saturday 28th of October attended the Riverina Conservatorium of Music and was awarded the 2020 Scholarship.
Sarah was awarded the Intermediate Gold Award for Woodwind. Congratulations Sarah this is an amazing achievement.
The St Patrick's School Community would like to extend our congratulations to Miss Dawson and her partner Doug on the safe arrival of their twin girls Dixie Poppins and Daphne Charlotte.
We wish you all a lifetime of happiness and making memories.

As our year is drawing closer to the end we would like to remind families that school fees will need to be finalised by week 7.
Mrs Baron will be in contact with families in regards to outstanding school fees within the next week to make arrangements for payments. Please contact the office should you wish to discuss options for payment of fees.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Grandparents Are Awesome - Writing Competition
Our Kindergarten/Year 1 and Year 1/2 classes were invited to submit a short story about "What makes your grandparent awesome?" Our two classes submitted their stories to the Cootamundra/Gundagai Regional Council. Each child drew a picture and wrote about their special grandparents. Congratulations to Joey Gailey who received 2nd and Darby Jones who took out 3rd prize. Your stories are beautiful and you are both to be congratulated for your writing pieces.
Week 2 - Term 4
Kindergarten/Year 1:
Year 1/2: Emmy Gaskin - Improvement and detail in her writing
Year 3/4: Lily Cotterill - Being a responsible, hard working and friendly class member
Year 5/6: Will Gaskin - His enthusiam and passion towards his character Gangrene in the play
Week 3 - Term 4
Kindergarten/Year 1: Harry Peterson - Including humor in his writing
Year 1/2: Abigail Bock - Settling into Yr 1/2 with ease and providing position contributions in all areas
Year 3/4: Charlie Hindmarsh - an impressive holiday newspaper report
Year 5/6: Benny Bartlett - Increased committment to reading & expressing opinions and insights
Our very best birthday wishes to the following people who celebrate their birthdays recently:
Josie Quine 27th October
We hope you had a lovely birthday
Spirituality Day - PUPIL FREE DAY
08 Nov 2019
08 Nov 2019
No school for students on Friday 8th of November. All Staff will be attending a Spirituality Day. See you all bright and early on Monday monday
08 Nov 2019
09 Nov 2019
09 Nov 2019
Family Mass will again be held at the St Patrick's Catholic Church commencing at 6pm
09 Nov 2019
23 Nov 2019
23 Nov 2019
First Holy Communion Mass - 6pm at St Patrick's Catholic Church
23 Nov 2019