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- Principal's Report
- REC Report
- COMPASS School/Student Management Attendance System
- Uniform Policy
- Gymnastics/Tennis Term 4
- Have Your Say - Prince Alfred Bridge
- Western Region Public Speaking Finals
- Radio News
- Cricket Registration
- Virtual Athletics Carnival
- Level 3 Restrictions
- Sundy in Gundy Markets - "Fun in the Park"
- Kindergarten Orientation Dates
- Term 4 School Dates for Calendars
- Canteen Roster
- Birthdays
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to our final term for the 2021 school year! We had very happy and excited children return to school last week ready to begin another term of learning. A special welcome is extended to our Acting Assistant Principal, Mrs Flanagan and Mrs Reardon who will be the full-time teacher on Year 5/6 while Mrs Wilson is on Long Service Leave. St Patrick’s continues to operate under Level 3 restrictions which includes minimising mixing of students outside their class cohorts, social distancing, regular handwashing and sanitising and only attending school if well. Our students are wonderful in embracing the new restrictions which helps make our job very easy. With the opening of NSW this week we may see further changes for school restrictions in the near future.
It was indeed a very special way to begin our school term with the beautiful Confirmation (Take 2) Mass on Saturday evening. Many special thanks to Mrs Howe and Mrs Saunderson for their dedication and hard work in preparing both Confirmation classes for this special sacrament. Thank you to the Sacramental Team and our Parish Priests, Fr George and Fr Namora for their support of the Confirmation program We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated Parish Sacramental Team to lead us through the sacramental programs each year.
This week St Patrick’s School will undergo the School Registration process. This process is undertaken every five years to ensure school meet compliance regulations in school operations. Due to our current restrictions, the process this year will be an online desk audit rather than a school visit from the panel. I would like to thank the staff for all their hard work in preparing documentation for the online desk audit especially considering the ever-changing climate our education system has faced over the past two years. We look forward to the Registration Report that will be provided on Thursday afternoon with commendations and recommendations for the future direction of our school.
A very special thank you is also extended to the Community Council for organising a parent working bee over the past week. We are extremely grateful to every family that participated in supporting this working bee over the past week. The school was a hive of activity on Saturday and our school grounds are now looking greatly improved with all the work that was carried out. A special thank you to the Barton and Graham families for the donation of some new plants for the school garden.
This is a special term for our Year 6 students as it is their final term of Primary School at St Patrick’s. We wish all of our Year 6 students a happy and productive term as they prepare for entry into High School life.
Best wishes for the week ahead.
Christine Baron
Welcome back to Term 4. It is hard to believe that we are now in the last term for 2021! We are so pleased to be back at school with the children. We hope you enjoyed the holidays and enjoyed a well-earned break after our Remote Learning.
Confirmation (Take 2)
On Saturday afternoon we celebrated our second Confirmation Mass with 13 Confirmation Candidates, their Parents and Sponsors. These children have been patiently waiting for this day after the disappointment of having their Mass cancelled due to Lockdown. Father George spoke beautifully to the congregation about the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit in their lives and how we are asked to put these into action in our everyday life. The candidates spoke about their chosen Saint and the qualities that they admired in their Saint.
We want to congratulate all our children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation. You are a credit to yourselves and your families. May the Holy Spirit guide you and bless you.
Thank you, Father George for your continued spiritual leadership, Peter Gain for his Acolyte duties, Altar Servers Alec Magnone and Tessa Crowe, the Sacramental Team and Mrs Baron. We also thank Mrs Marie Nelson for her beautiful floral arrangements.
October Mission Month

World Mission Sunday falls on 24th October and Wednesday 27th October is Children’s Mission Day.

This year’s focus is Thailand.
October Month of the Rosary

Covid Restrictions
We have been instructed that for the time being we are not permitted to hold class Masses until further notice. Liturgies will be held within each class group during the term.
First Holy Communion Sacramental Program
Next week the children from Year Three will commence their preparation to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Our prayers are with Denver Blundell, Christyne Calub, Andrew Cole, Emma Ferguson, Joseph Gailey, Taite Johnson, Archie McDonnell, Joseph Murphy, Harry Peterson, Corby Rose, Alexander Ryan, Riley Smith, Skye Somerville, Jackson Armour and Nicholas Quine as they prepare for this wonderful Sacrament.
Lesson 1 - Tuesday 19th October 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Lesson 2 - Saturday 23rd October 4:45 pm – 5:50 pm, 6 pm Commitment Mass
Lesson 3 - Tuesday 26th October 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Lesson 4 - Saturday 30th October 4:45 pm - 5:50 pm, 6 pm Mass
Lesson 5 - Tuesday 2nd November 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
- First Holy Communion Preparation Day 3rd November
- First Holy Communion 6th November 6 pm Mass
Kate Howe
COMPASS School/Student Management Attendance System

Just a couple of reminders about school uniform requirements.
Summer School uniform to be worn during Term 4.
Hair accessories are school colours only ie bottle green or navy
No jewellery. Watches excepted and religious symbols on chains
Haircuts-regular haircuts please. No patterns, shaving, mullet style haircuts or dyed hair.
Our school uniform policy is available for referral on our school website.
Western Region Public Speaking Finals

Sophie will present her speech on ‘It’s complicated’ while Jess will present her speech on ‘Stronger Together’. We wish Jess and Sophie all the very best for their presentations.
Week 4 (27/10) - Jezanna Winchester & Juliet Pearce
Week 5 (3/11) - Nick Little & Alec Bell-Magnone
Week 6 (10/11) - Jess McDonnell & Locky Eccleson
Week 7 (17/11) - Ollie Gailey & Harry Crowe
Local Cricket Clubs are taking registrations for the new cricket season.
There is something suitable for boys and girls aged 5 and up.
Cricket is a great way to be active and make new friends
Click on the link below to register with our local club

LEVEL 3 Restrictions: St Patrick’s School is now operating under Level 3 restrictions.
- Minimise mixing of class cohorts and social distancing for all school activities.
- No school gatherings including assemblies, award presentations, excursions or performances
- Essential visitors only onsite. Parents at this stage we must ask you to remain outside the school gate for morning drop-off and afternoon pick up. Parents may only come on-site if they are picking up an unwell child or under special circumstances where a staff member has requested their attendance onsite. Under Level 3 restrictions we can only allow people on-site that are essential to the delivery of the school curriculum or builders/maintenance people.
- Masks are now mandatory for all staff, visitors and strongly recommended for students
- Enhanced daily cleaning of the school
- Little Learners and Kindergarten Orientation programs are on hold for now.
- Students are not to attend school of they are unwell. Students with cold or flu like symptoms require a COVID test and a negative result prior to returning to school.
Sundy in Gundy Markets - "Fun in the Park"
Sundy in Gundy Markets and Fun in the Park is on Sunday 31st October.
The School will be holding a baked goods stall and cupcake decorating activity for the kids from 11am to 1pm during Fun in the Park; so we are calling on all the great cooks we have at St Pat’s to fill our stall with yummy cakes, slices and biscuits!!
If your able to assist with cooking or even spare 1/2hr to assist on the stall please contact the school (02) 6944 1085 ASAP.
Kindergarten Orientation Dates
Term 4 School Dates for Calendars
Wednesday 15th December - Term 4 concludes.
Term 1 2022
Friday 28th January - CATALYST Systems Day for all CECG staff
Monday 31st January - Staff Planning Day
Tuesday 1st February - First day of school for Years 1-6
Thank you to all our families who ordered through our new online Canteen ordering system last Friday. It was very successful. For those who have not yet downloaded the School24 App for our online ordering for Friday's canteen its very easy and less time consuming for our volunteer mums. If you haven't downloaded and registered and need the username please contact the office and Jacki can provide you with this information.
THERE IS NO NEED TO SEND IN A BROWN PAPER BAG with canteen order if you have paid online.
Friday 15th October: Simone Jones & Jacki Carberry
COOKIES: Simone Jones & Cal Reardon
Friday 22nd October: Kate Graham & Alicia Hargreaves
COOKIES: Lauren Gailey & Belinda Hindmarsh
Friday 29th October: Sam Johnson & Leanne McDonnell
COOKIES: Emma Peterson & Anita Manns