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- Principal's News
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- School Photo Day
- Gundagai Basket Association
- Gundagai Basketball Association - Holiday Camp
- Teaching Practicum Students
- Swimming for Sport
- Awards Presentation 2021
- Community Council Open Meeting
- Kindergarten Transition Program
- Semester Two Reports
- Level 3 Restrictions (Updated 4th November 2021)
- Cricket Registration
- Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (for Parents and Carers)
- Class Awards
- Student of the Month and Principal's Award
- WildCat Awards
- Radio News
- Altar Serving
- Canteen Roster
- Birthdays
Dear Parents,
Week 6 is upon us already and we are now ½ way through our final school term for the year. It is always amazing how quickly time flies once Term 4 comes around! While St Patrick’s continues to remain under Level 3 restrictions, we are starting to see some of the restrictions slowly easing for NSW schools. Please see the section below with the latest restriction updates. As from yesterday, Monday 8th November, it is now a mandated Public Health Order that all staff, relief staff, visitors and volunteers that come onsite are fully vaccinated against COVID19. This also applies to all parents and helpers who assist in any way onsite such as canteen helpers, reading helpers or parent volunteers.

Congratulations to our wonderful Year 5 students, who are currently delivering their 2022 School Captain leadership speeches to the students and staff. We have been extremely impressed with the effort and high quality of all the speeches so far. The final group will present their speeches tomorrow morning and from there staff and students will vote. School Captains will be announced at our annual Award Day. Thank you to Mrs Fairall for livestreaming the student speeches to enable parents and families to watch the presentations.
This Thursday is Remembrance Day. Thank you to Mrs Reardon and Year 5/6 who have organsied a school Remembrance Day ceremony. Our School Captains will represent St Patrick’s at the annual Remembrance Day ceremony at ANZAC Grove. This event has been approved in line with COVID protocols as it is an outdoor event. We give thanks to all those who sacrificed their lives protecting and serving our nation.
Excitement is building at St Patrick’s with a handover date being given by CE for our new administration area. The handover date is set for this Friday 12th November. The interior of the administration building has been completed and the exterior will be dependent on weather conditions this week. Mrs Fairall is looking forward to moving into her new space.
Best wishes are extended to past students of St Patrick’s who are sitting the first of their Year 12 HSC exams today. We wish them every success for the exams and their future endeavours.
Christine Baron
First Holy Communion
On Saturday afternoon 16 very special children made their First Holy Communion in St Patrick’s Church. Father George welcomed the children and their families and addressed the children as ‘little angels’. The children were so reverent and excited to receive the Eucharist.
We thank Father George for celebrating the Mass, the children for their thorough preparation, their very supportive parents and all those who contributed in any way to make this Sacrament such a special occasion.
We congratulate you on your First Holy Communion and pray that you will continue to feel God’s light, God’s warmth, and God’s love within you.
Altar Servers
In the coming weeks a new Altar Serving Roster will be sent out. Our First Holy Communion children are invited to be part of this special ministry and serve at Mass. If you would like to become an Altar Server, please complete the form given out during our FHC Preparation or send a note to Mrs Howe.
We will arrange a training session and place new servers on the roster with children who are experienced servers.
St Patrick’s celebrated Catholic Mission Month, Socktober with lots of fun, enthusiasm and generosity. The children celebrated prayerful and thought provoking liturgies in their classrooms on Wednesday in preparation for their money raising activities on Friday.
Each class formed a line of coins and constructed a sock ball. A competition was held to see which ball would travel the furtherest.
A very long line of coins.
Akacia and Gracie carrying a very heavy bag of coins.

A sincere thank you for your amazing generosity. We truly are an incredibly supportive and giving community.
Kate Howe

Gundagai Basketball Association - Holiday Camp
St Patrick’s look forward to welcoming two prac students from CSU at Wagga. Under level 3 restrictions, student practicums are permitted. Miss Karleigh Bower will be completing her 15 day practicum with Mrs Carberry in Kindergarten and Miss Dempsey Elphick will be completing her 15 day practicum with Mrs Howe and Mrs Eccleston in Year 1/2. It is a pleasure to welcome them both to complete practicums as part of the teaching degrees.

Community Council Open Meeting
Dear Parents and Carers,
On behalf of the Community Council, I would like to invite you to our next meeting, which will be held on Tuesday 16 November at 6.15pm.
The purpose of the open meeting is to provide you with an opportunity to discuss areas relating to the school in an open setting, with Community Council members and staff. It is also an opportunity for the Council to provide you with updates on relevant areas including fundraising, uniform changes, and building and playground upgrades.
Due to COVID restrictions all attendees will need to be double vaccinated and will need to RSVP to the school before 12 November 2021.
In addition, we would appreciate you letting us know what you would like discussed at the meeting. That way, we can put together an agenda to keep us on track and on time. We want the meeting to be as productive and action focused as possible.
Please RSVP via email to the front office by Friday 12 November 2021.
Thank you in advance and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday evening.
Kim Paton
St Patrick's Community Council
Kindergarten Transition Program
The 2022 Kindergarten Transition Program began in last Friday. The new Kindergarten students had a wonderful day, completing lots of fun activities and familarise themselves with our school environment. The Transition program will continue over the next few weeks.
Session 2: Friday 12th November-9.00-12.00pm
Session 3: Friday 19th November-9.00-1.30pm
Session 4: Friday 26th November 9.00-3.15pm
Children will need to bring Crunch and Sip plus recess for Sessions 1 and 2.
Children will need to bring Crunch and Sip, recess and lunch for Sessions 3 and 4.
Please make sure your child brings a hat and sport shoes for activities.
Teachers are busily completing assessment activities in readiness for Semester Two reports. The reports will be completed through the COMPASS portal and therefore will have a different set out to previous reports. Reports are due to go home on Wednesday 1st December. Parent/Teacher meetings are set for Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th December.
If parents have downloaded the COMPASS App to their smartphones or desktop they will be able to view the reports through the App. If you have not already downloaded the app we would suggest you do so as this will be our new platform for communication. Contact Jacki in the office is you need your username and password reset. Its a very easy system and app to use once you have downloaded it.
Level 3 Restrictions (Updated 4th November 2021)
In Summary:
- Students to play and learn in cohorts. Continue to limit mingling of cohorts.
- Masks mandatory for all staff indoors.
- Masks strongly encouraged for primary children but not enforced.
- Assemblies allowed onsite. Must be held outdoors and in cohorts
- Parent and Carers unable to enter school grounds unless requested by a staff member or to pick up a child that is unwell.
- Parents & Carers permitted onsite for reading support, canteen etc. Proof of vaccination must be provided and check in using QR code.
- Windows and doors are to be kept open as much as possible.
- School sports allowed in cohorts.
- Inter-school sport allowed out of school hours.
- Graduations allowed. Vaccination requirements
- Orientations allowed in cohorts for enrolled 2022 students.
Banned Activities:
- Singing, chanting, group repetition and choirs (except for HSC preparation)
- Instruments that rely on breath or require a mask to be removed to be played, as well as singing and chanting, are not permitted in Term 4
- Emergency drills
- School performances, productions, concerts
- international excursions
- Student visits to aged care facilities
- Community events (fetes, grandparents day etc)
- Playgroups
- School holiday programs (noting that vacation care programs on school sites may continue under current guidelines
Local Cricket Clubs are taking registrations for the new cricket season.
There is something suitable for boys and girls aged 5 and up.
Cricket is a great way to be active and make new friends
Click on the link below to register with our local club
Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (for Parents and Carers)
Catholic School Parents Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn (CSPACG) and CECG are hosting a Youth Mental Health First Aid Training Course for parents and carers of young people (12-18yrs).
Participants will learn how to assist a young person who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves, using a practical, evidence-based action plan. This course is delivered by a training facilitator and is based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experience of mental health problems and professionals.
The 2 day training will take place on 1st & 2nd December from 8.30am-4pm at the St Mary’s Parish Administration Centre, Campbell St, Young.
Places are limited to 20 participants, so parents and carers are encouraged to register early at Eventbrite:
Congratulations to our Week 4 and Week 5 Class Awards
Week 4 - 29th October 2021
Kindergarten: Parker Melksham for positive class participation and trying hard to improve written work
Year 1 / 2: Leila Gaskin for enthusiastic participation in all clas activities and being a thoughtful class member
Year 3 / 4: Emmy Gaskin for her effort and concentration in Numeracy and Literacy
Year 5 / 6:Ollie Gailey for his increased effort and commitment to his learning tasks. Keep it up
Week 5 - 5th November 2021
Kindergarten: Kaydee Smith for a positive attitude and class participation
Year 1 / 2: Lane Johnson for his super effort with reading and writing
Year 3 / 4: Andrew Cole for improved spelling results in writing
Year 5 / 6: Lilly Cotterill for a mature approach to her learning tasks. Keep going Lil!

Student of the Month and Principal's Award
Congratulations to our Week 5 Student of the Month and Principal Awards which were presented at our Friday afternoon classroom assemblies
Kindergarten - Lachlan Barton
Year 1 - Zoe Paton
Year 2 - Ollie Crowe
Year 3 - Corby Rose
Year 4 - Jack Ryan
Year 5 - Gracie Peterson
Year 6 - Ollie Gailey
Principal's Awards - Week 5
Remi Taylor, Zoe Morgan, Emmy Gaskin and Jezanna Winchester

Congratulations to our WildCat Awards for Week 4 and Week 5
RESPONSIBLE: Anson Chew, Gracie Peterson, Harrison Barton
RESPECT: Locky Eccleston x 2, Charlotte McDonnell, Lachlan Barton
SAFE: Kingsley McDonnell

Week 8 (24/11) - Juliet Pearce & Nick Little
Week 9 (1/12) - Lilly Cotterill & Alec Bell-Magnone
Week 10 (8/12) - Jezanna Winchester & Jack Peterson
13th November - Nate Tozer & Jack Peterson
20th November - Harry Crowe, Tessa Crowe, Sophie Graham
27th November - Juliet Pearce, Ellie McDonnell
Go to: OR on your mobile device iPhone/Android install the app from the store
Press the BLUE registration button to create your account.
Enter your unique school ID number to help us match your account with your school,
St Patricks Primary School- NSW: 25406963
Friday 26th November: El Williams & Sam Johnson
COOKIES: Kate Graham & Sam Johnson
Friday 3rd December: VOLUNTEER NEEDED & Bec Gaskin
COOKIES: Lisa Ryan & Michelle McDonnell
Friday 10th December : NO CANTEEN