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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- Footsteps Dance Program
- Community Council Free Family BBQ
- Western Region (WR) Cross Country
- Volunteers Needed - Western Region Cross Country
- Meat Raffle - Term 2
- Harmony Day
- Winter Uniforms - Term 2 2022
- Netball - 23rd March 2022
- ANZAC Day - 25th April 2022
- NAPLAN Year 3 and Year 5
- Gardening and Maintenance Position
- Important Dates for the Calendar
- Tesselaar Bulb Fundraiser
- Term 1 School Fees
- Australian Dental Visit - Term 2
- Weekly Awards
- Radio News
- Altar Serving Roster
- Birthdays
- Women's Health Nurse Visiting Gundagai Hospital
Dear Parents and Carers,
Week 10 is here and the end of term is approaching very rapidly. This term has presented a number of different challenges on the COVID front, with our first real experience of managing a COVID outbreak at school. We are certainly grateful that for the most part, we were able to meet the challenge head on and take appropriate measures to work through this time with minimal impact to teaching and learning. Of course, we are uncertain of what lies ahead, especially across the winter months, but we are excited at this point in time, that we have been able to continue with minimal restrictions in place and to open up our school to parents and visitors once again. We encourage and welcome parents and family members back on school site especially for morning drop off and afternoon pick up.
We are delighted to welcome the Director of Catholic Education, Mr Ross Fox to our school this Thursday. Mr Fox is taking the opportunity to visit our NSW regional Catholic schools while restrictions have lifted. Mr Fox will visit classrooms and spend some time with staff as well as Community Council members.
We have several school events coming up in the following weeks where parents and family members are welcome to join us. The annual Cross Country was held today and next week we have Footsteps Dance coming to St Patrick’s with a disco included. Community Council are also organising a free family BBQ on the disco evening as an opportunity to welcome our new families and gather our school community together for the first time over the past two years. Please see the information in the newsletter regarding this special event. Harmony Day will also be celebrated on Friday 8th April, and we thank our families who have volunteered to contribute to the special multi-cultural lunch event for our students.
Term 1 will conclude next Friday 8th April. We wish all our families a happy and Holy Easter as well as a relaxing holiday. Thank you again to families for the wonderful support we have had across the term. We are very appreciative of the ongoing support, patience and understanding from our families in our current educational context.
Christine Baron
St Patrick, Pray for Us

Easter in a Box

The Easter story continues, remembering the significant events that Jesus faced during this week while he was on earth. In the classrooms the children will retell Jesus’ story through different mediums - Bible readings, media, meditations and reflections and will create and make significant symbols that illustrate the events of Holy Week. These symbols will be placed in their special box. Throughout the week, there will be many symbols added to the ‘Easter Box.’
The children will take their box home for the holidays and share their work with their families. Please ask your child to retell the happenings of Holy Week using the items from the box to assist them recount Jesus’ story.
After the holidays the children will return their boxes so they can continue Jesus‘ story from when he rose on Easter Sunday to when he went back to heaven to be with his Father at the Ascension.
Please ensure that each child has their own box ready to begin their activities on Monday in Week 11.
Sacramental Program

If you know of any Catholic children in the local area, who are at the age to be involved in these programs, please pass on the message about registering for the Sacramental Program.
Project Compassion.
Thank you to the many families, who have been collecting money for Project Compassion. After the holidays, these boxes will be collected, and counted, and the money forwarded to Caritas Australia. This financial support will be greatly appreciated and will help the lives of many to have a better and brighter future.
Every contribution no matter how small will make a difference to someone’s life.
St. Patrick’s Day
Thank you to Father George for celebrating Mass in the school Amphitheatre to celebrate the feast of our Patron Saint, St Patrick. It was wonderful to have our kindergarten parents present to witness their children being welcomed to our school.
We are so grateful to Father George and Father Namora for their spiritual guidance and presence within our school.
Church Easter Celebrations
Holy Thursday - 6pm
Good Friday - Stations of the Cross 10am
Good Friday - 3pm
Easter Vigil – Saturday 6pm
- We will need volunteers for Altar Serving at each of these celebrations. If your child can assist, please see Mrs Howe ASAP.
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter and a safe and relaxing holiday.
Kate Howe
DISCO: As part of the package deal, Footsteps Dance will host a school disco on Thursday 7th April at the following times.
Years K/1/2-5.00-6.00pm
Years 3/4/5/6- 6.00-7.00pm
Students are welcome to dress up in their finest disco outfits for the evening.
Community Council Free Family BBQ

Please ensure you fill in the sausage sizzle note and return it by Monday 4th April so that we can cater effectively for all family members. Please note that older/younger siblings are welcome to attend the BBQ, ONLY school students can attend the disco.
This will be a lovely opportunity to meet and greet staff members and welcome our new families as well as reconnect with all school community members.
Western Region (WR) Cross Country

Volunteers Needed - Western Region Cross Country

We are calling out to our parent community for volunteers to assist with the running of the day. A note is being sent home in your child's bag today (Tuesday) and we would kindly ask if you could complete and return to the front office. Volunteers won't be required all day if you can only help out for an hour that will still be much appreciated.
We require volunteers to assist with
- Cooking the BBQ
- Canteen Workers
- Cooking Cakes & Slices to sell
If the note could please be returned to school by Friday 8th of April (last day of term) or you can contact Sam Johnson on 0422 154 298 if you have any questions.

Bec Gaskin our uniform coordinator is in the process of sorting through our winter uniform supplies. Now is the time to check your sizes and stock. Remember to order online via the website. There is also plenty of second hand items to check out as well. If you would prefer second hand just contact Bec Gaskin or the office and we will see what sizes are available. We are currently waiting on our polar fleece sports jumpers to arrive and we apologise to the families that are waiting on these items. As soon as the delivery has been received we will send home your order.

School captains and Year 6 leaders are invited to attend the Dawn Service at ANZAC Grove commencing at 6.00am.
All St Patrick’s students K-6 are invited to participate in the general community ANZAC Day March commencing at 10.30am. The parade will be led by the Light Horse Troop, followed by the Vintage Car Club vehicles carrying RSL members and then followed by RSL members and other organisations. Students are asked to be dressed in winter school uniform and assemble at Lott’s Hotel by 10.15am ready to march at 10.30am.
All families are then invited to attend a FREE Sausage sizzle in Carberry Park, following the ANZAC parade.

1oth May-Writing
11th May-Reading
12th May-Conventions of Language
13th May-Numeracy
Parents of Year 3 and 5 students will be receiving information regarding the NAPLAN assessment shortly.
Gardening and Maintenance Position

Congratulations to Kristen Bartlett who has successfully accepted this position. Kristen will begin in the role of Garden and Maintenance as from Monday 4th April.
Important Dates for the Calendar
Thursday 31st March: 10.00-12.00pm-Director of CE Mr Ross Fox to visit St Patrick’s
Friday 1st April: 9:45am David Enever Concert for students K-6
Thursday 7th April: Footsteps School Disco
5.00-6.00pm for K/1/2
6.00-7.00pm Years 3/4/5/6
5:00-7:00pm FREE BBQ for families hosted by CC
Friday 8th April:
- 9.00am-Award Assembly - Student of the Month and Principals Awards
- Harmony Day-wear bright colours or national dress. Special lunchtime tuckshop order
- Term 1 concludes 3:30pm
Monday 25th April - Anzac Day
Wednesday 27th April-Term 2 resumes for students K-6
Tuesday 26th April-ALL Staff will be attending a Staff Spirituality Day at McAuley Catholic Central School. Please note that no staff will be available at school this day.
Friday 29th April: WR Cross Country-hosted by St Patrick’s School
Friday 6th May-Mother’s Day celebration
This is the final week of our Bulb Spring Fundraising so if you haven't yet this is the week to place your order. 40% of sales made is profit for our school which is amazing. Orders need to be in no later than 1st of April 2022. Order online and bulbs are delivered directly to your postal address.
Thank you to all the families who have already placed an order. We appreciate your support as always.

Australian Dental Visit - Term 2
Australian Dental Health NSW - School Dental Initiative will be visiting our school with their dental health van the week commencing 2nd of May 2022. A confirmed date will be advised shortly.
ADHNSW will provide a full examination. If your child needs fillings they will contact you. If your child is not Medicare eligible they will do a FREE check.
Forms have been sent home and MUST be returned. All forms will need to be scanned and emailed to ADHNSW prior to consultation. If you do not wish to have your child examined then please notify the office.
Congratulations to our Week 8 and Week 9 Class Awards
Week 8 - 18th March 2022
Kindergarten - Phoenix Rose for his excellent class participation and Maths work
Yr 1/2 - Remi Taylor for trying hard with reading and writing
Yr 3/4 - Skye Somerville for her effort and improvement with her handwriting
Yr 5/6 - Ellie McDonnell for her willingness to assist and help wherever needed
Week 9 - 25th March 2022
Kindergarten - Lucy Nicholls for working quitely and quickly to complete class tasks
Yr 1/2 - Lane Johnson for consistent effort & improvement across all areas
Yr 3/4 - Ollie Crowe for working independently in Literacy
Yr 5/6 - Jack Ryan for his creative & insightful discussions in Literature circles and class

Week 10 - Tahlia Rose & Akacia Winchester
Week 11 - Anson Chew & Charlie Hindmarsh