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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- St Patrick's Parish Lenten Program
- Parent Information Session
- Sports News
- Swimming Carnival Write Up
- Representative MacKillop Touch Football
- NSW Netball Schools Cup Gala Day
- Representative Sports
- Compass - Term 1 School Fees Delay
- Australian Dental Health Visit
- Gundagai Library
- Children's Health Program
- Healthy Harold Visit
- Radio News
- Canteen Roster
- Altar Serving Roster
- Birthday Wishes
Dear Parents and Carers,
Term 1 has got off to a flying start with a fantastic swimming carnival, beautiful Opening School Mass, Gundagai Show school display ‘Walking Together’ theme and Shrove Tuesday pancakes, all enjoyed and celebrated in the first few weeks of this term. This morning the students enjoyed a pancake feast followed by the Burning of the Ashes liturgy in preparation for our Lenten journey which begins tomorrow on Ash Wednesday.
We are looking forward tonight to enjoying a welcoming BBQ combined with an opportunity for parents to also find out more about teaching and learning programs in your child’s classrooms. Our CATALYST program has seen the introduction of some new and exciting teaching programs which we are keen to share with parents. Our first session begins at 5.30pm and last session finishes at 7:00pm.
This week we are also delighted to welcome three new students to our St Patrick’s School community. Ethan Wu in Year 3, Ammy Wu in Year 5 and Cindy Chan also in Year 5. We also welcome their parents Jenny and Huang together with Carrie and Luke. It is always a pleasure to have new families join our great school community.
As you are aware, we are offering students and families, the opportunity to be involved in the Children’s Health Program funded by Murrumbidgee Health. The students first program will be The Mad Food Science Incursion next Wednesday 1st March for all students K-6. Parents are also being offered a FREE ONLINE parent session next Tuesday 28th February at 7pm. Information and a link, to access this parent forum has been sent home today to enable you to join the online program in the comfort of their own homes. We hope you enjoy this opportunity that will provide ideas and tips to encourage healthier food choices for your family.
Topic: St Patricks Primary School - Parent Session
Time: Feb 28, 2023 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 284 997 1201
Passcode: 1ABP6Q
(If the link above does not work, please copy and paste into your web browser).
Teachers are focused on delivering high quality, explicit teaching programs to our students as we continue to embrace the CATALYST model. The Science of Learning underpins the pedagogical approach to teaching and learning in classrooms. Our High Impact Teaching Practices are being utilised in the classrooms to maximise student engagement and learning.
This term our focus has been on Daily Review. Daily Review is an important component of instruction. It helps strengthen the material learned in class. Research shows that repeated practice enables students to shift information from short term to long term memory. Automatic recall frees working memory for problem solving and creativity.
Every blessing as we move into the Lenten season of prayer, reflection and a time to think more about others.
Christine Baron
Opening School Mass
Last Friday we celebrated our Opening School Mass. We welcomed our new students and Mr Makeham, as well as the commissioning of our School Leaders for 2023.
Father Joe celebrated his first school Mass at St Patrick’s and was very impressed with the children’s reverence, participation and singing.
Shrove Tuesday and the Burning of the Palms

This morning we gathered in the amphitheatre to burn the palms that were blessed last year on Palm Sunday. These palms symbolise those that were waved as Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey to prepare for the Passover Feast.
The ashes created from the burning of the palms, will be used during our Ash Wednesday Mass by Father, who will trace the sign of the cross on our foreheads.
Ash Wednesday and Lent

Welcome to Father Joe
Father Joe has quickly settled into his role of Parish Priest of the Tumut Mission. Father has a very bus schedule, fitting in all his commitments.
Father will be in Gundagai on Fridays and Saturday evening for Mass at 6pm. This is a great time to see Father, if you may wish to speak with him in person. He is contactable through the Tumut Parish Office – 69474599 or email at all times.
Father Joe would love to meet and get to know our school families. We have arranged to have a morning tea after our St Patrick’s Day Mass. Father would love to see lots of school and parish families there to meet him and share a cup of tea and a delicious morning tea (see below).
St Patrick’s Day Arrangements
When: 17th March Where: St Patrick’s Church
Time: 9:30 am

After Mass, please join with our fellow parishioners in the Hall to celebrate with morning tea.
Kate Howe
St Patrick's Parish Lenten Program
Lenten discussion groups will run on Fridays at 10:30am in St Patrick’s Church. The program will be led by Father Joe. The program is open to anyone who is interested in attending.
Kindergarten and Year 5-5.30-6.00pm
Year 1 and Year 6-6.00-6.30pm
Year 2 and Year 3/4-6.30-7.00pm
Join us for a FREE Barbeque and Parent Information Session
Call for Coaches/Managers/Assistance
Parents are always welcome to volunteer to train or assist sporting teams in preparation for Gala Days. Not only is it rewarding but alot of fun! If you would like to participate in any of the following events please contact Mrs Wilson
Thursday 9th March - Soccer Gala Day at Tumut for Yr 3/4 and Yr 5/6 (private transport arranged) Tarron Makeham and Lisa Wilson teachers in charge
Friday 24th March - School Cross Country for K - Yr 6
Tuesday 9th May -Mortimer Shield at Twickenham Oval Tumut (more detail at a later date) this is for the Yr 5/6 Rugby League Tackle and Girls Leaguetag.
Rugby Union - Years 3-6 March 31 Gala Day 10’s Tumut
Trent Barrett - Year 3/4 Gundagai Date TBC, Rugby League and League Tag
**Please note travel to and from most gala days is provided by parents. **
Last Thursday the weather was kind and we were able to successfully have our swimming carnival.
It was a great day with lots of cheering and support for the competitors in the water.
The results from the carnival are:
Junior Girl- Eliza Graham, Runner up- Molly Lott
Junior Boy- Lachlan Hargreaves, Runner up- Lane Johnson
Intermediate Girl- Corby Rose, Runner up- Skye Somerville
Intermediate Boy- Taite Johnson, Runner up- Joey Gailey
Senior Girl- Emmay Gaskin, Runner up- Tessa Crowe
Senior Boy- Jack Ryan, Runner up- Jack Paton
The winning house was DONOVAN.
23 students will be representing our school at the Western Region swimming carnival this Thursday in Young. We wish them all the best.
Thank you to the staff and parents who helped with the smooth running of the carnival and a big thank you to the Gundagai Swimming Club, for the use of the awesome timing system on the day.
Thank you also to Kay and Craig and their team at the pool for everything, especially the yummy lunches.
Representative MacKillop Touch Football

Taite played 4 games against Sydney, Parramatta, Wollongong and Wagga Wagga and was a vocal and eager team member. The games were fast paced and at a high level of skill. Taite defended well and tried to involve himself at every opportunity. In the last game he even scored a try in a quick step and dash down the sideline. This is a big achievement for a student in Year 5 and he will have another opportunity to represent again in 2024.
NSW Netball Schools Cup Gala Day
Year 6 Team - Arrive 9am to play at 9:30am
Year 5 Team - Arrive 9am to play at 9:30am
Year 3/4 Arrive 9:30am to play at 10:10am
A canteen will be operating but students will need to bring their own water and food.
A draw will come home tomorrow.

Compass - Term 1 School Fees Delay
A notification was sent out yesterday afternoon regarding the delay in posting Term 1 School Fees via our new Compass System but for the families that may have missed this notification the below message was sent:
Firstly I want to apologise for the delay in sending out the Term 1 School Fees. We are working on a new finance system and currently dealing with a few issues that have been identified in relation to Compass Privacy issues. The importance in getting this information correct is a high priority. We anticipate that these issues will be rectified shortly to enable me to process and send out to our families.
If you have your updated BPay and Customer Reference Number which was provided last term then you can set up your own BPay payments that are managable for weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
I apologise for the delay in processing and thank you for your patience.
Australian Dental Health Visit
- Did you know that your child’s lunchbox has a DIRECT impact on how well they behave and concentrate in the classroom?
- The Mad Food Science Parent Seminar is coming to our school this Term. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn about what’s really in your child’s lunchbox food, and how it might be affecting their ability to learn well at school.
- You’ll also learn how easy it is to make healthy changes to your child’s lunchbox, and help your child be their best in class.
- Make sure you attend the FREE Parent Online Seminar on Tuesday 28th February at 7pm. Please use this link or alternatively paste it into your web browser.
Topic: St Patricks Primary School - Parent Session
Time: Feb 28, 2023 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 284 997 1201
Passcode: 1ABP6Q

The Life Ed program is designed to be integrated into the primary K-6 and taught in Australian Schools. The core program consists of areas that include physical health, safety, social and emotional wellbeing.
The visit is scheduled for two days 26th and 27th of April. More details regarding this activity will be posted towards the end of the term. This is a very educational program for our teachers and students. There will be a small fee charged per student but we will advise our families shortly of all the information.
There will be merchandise to purchase from the Van should your child wish to buy anything and a list will be provided in due course.

Friday 24th March:
Canteen Volunteers: Leanne McDonnell & Sam Johnson
Monday 27th March (Cupcakes)
Cupcakes: Liz Ferguson & Lisa Peterson
Friday 31st March (LAST CANTEEN FOR THE TERM):
Cookies: Amy Ryder & Lisa Ryan
Canteen Volunteers: Bec Gaskin & Lauren Gailey

We would like to wish the following students who recently celebrated a birthday a special birthday wish:
8th February - Andrew Cole
14th February - Lance Crowe
We hope you both had a wonderful birthday with family and friends