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- Principal's Report
- St Patrick's Parish - Monster Christmas Raffle
- What's In My Food ?
- Ice Blocks and Ice Cream for Sale
- Term 4 Dates
- Yr 5/6 Excursion Write-Up
- Swimming for Sport
- Overdue Library Books
- Book Club Final Order for 2023
- Term 1 2024 Dates for Calendar
- Weekly Awards
- Student of the Month and Principal's Awards
- Wildcat Week 4 Awards
- Canteen Roster
- Radio News
- Altar Serving Roster
- Birthdays
Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the weekend we had two special opportunities to gather:
REMBEMBRANCE DAY: Thank you to our School Captains, Abigail, Charlotte, Nate and Jack for representing St Patricks at the Gundagai RSL Sub-Branch Remembrance Day celebration on Saturday. They were joined by Emily (Year 5) and Lachlan (Year 4) as well as parents and grandparents. Students gathered yesterday for a school Remembrance Service to honour those who have served or continue to serve to keep our country safe.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: What a beautiful celebration on Saturday evening, when Leila, Rouge (RV), Reuben and Jack (GPS) made their First Holy Communion! Special thanks to Mrs Howe for preparing the children so beautifully, to parents for supporting their children in their faith development and to Fr Joe for a beautiful Mass. A highlight was when Fr Joe invited the four children to sit with him on the altar steps for the homily. This will be a special moment these children will have forever. Many thanks also to the St Patrick’s children and staff who came along to support their family and friends as altar servers, music and overhead or in the choir.

Year 5 School Captain Speeches: Our Year 5 students will deliver their 2024 School Captain Speeches every morning during this week. Voting for the 2024 School Captains will take place this Friday. We look forward to hearing from our Year 5 students about their ideas, hopes and plans for next year as school leaders.
2024 KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION SESSION: This Friday 17 November, any new parents to our school community in 2024 or Kindergarten parents are welcome to come along to the school library for an information session. The session will run from 9:00 to approximately 10.30am.
CATALYST: Mrs Gillian Forrester (CE) visited St Patrick’s today to support teachers in the continued delivery of Direct Instructional programs. In 2024, The Writing Revolution program will be utilised from Kindergarten through to Year 6 aimed to teach students to become proficient writers, readers and critical thinkers. The sequential teaching instruction from K-6 enables teachers to build writing skills developed each year.
A big end of week for the Gundagai community with infamous Snake Gully Cup and other events being held.
Christine Baron
St Patrick, Pray for Us
St Patrick's Parish - Monster Christmas Raffle
St Patrick's Parish have organised a "Monster Christmas Raffle" with 26 prizes up for grabs. totaly value of $5,500 in prizes. Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00 and can be purchased from St Patrick's School Office or Elders. Raffle will be drawn on Saturday 16th December. Raffle tickets were sent home last week. If you could please send them back into the school with the money would be appreciated.
This week in "What's in my Food" we are taking a look at Shapes (biscuits)
Step 1: Ask What's In My Food? Ignore the front
of the packet and turn it around.
Step 2: Count the number of ingredients on the
back. The more ingredients there are, the less
likely it is to help our One Body for Life. If there
are more than 6, it's best to pop it back on the
shelf and find a better choice.
What's In Shapes? 26 ingredients. Some of the Ingredients in flavoured crackers like Shapes have been linked to asthma, eczema, learning difficulties and behavioural issues. This simple swap significantly means you don't have to deal with these issues.

Bonus #1: You'll have left over ingredients you can use in many other recipes.
Bonus #2: A lot less ingredients and less
packaging too, making these crackers better for your One Body for Life and One Planet Earth.
Ice Blocks and Ice Cream for Sale

Year 5 2024 School Captain Speeches: Monday 13 Nov to Friday 17 November (Week 6)
K-6 Swimming Program begins: Thursday 16 November
2024 Kindergarten Transition Program: Friday 17 November 9.00-3.15pm
2024 Kindergarten Parent Information Session: Friday 17 November 9.00-10.30am
2023 Award Day: Friday 8 December (Week 9)
Semester 2 Reports posted on COMPASS: Wednesday 6 December
Year 6 Graduation Mass: Friday 8 December 12pm
Parent/Teacher Meetings: Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 December
Term 4 Concludes: Friday 15 December
Year 5/6 Ballarat/Bendigo Excursion
On the 31st of October Year 5 and Year 6 went on their 4 day excursion to Ballarat. We spent 10 hours on the bus to arrive at 6:00 in Sovereign Hill. We went to dinner then to a pantomime show, we had a Q&A with the actors then went to bed.
Next day we stayed in Sovereign Hill and saw lots of amazing things being made and melted. For example, candles, candy and gold. We had sausage rolls and pies for lunch and then we had a choice to stay home and rest or go and explore. After about an hour of exploring or resting, we came back to our apartments for 2 hours to get ready to go to a light show. The light show was split into 3 parts. The first part was a 3D show about how the world was formed. Then the second part was a light show on a hill about how Aboriginals believe the world was formed. Then the final part was this reenactment of the diggings and the Eureka stockade. Then after the show had finished we went home to bed.
On the 2nd of November we headed out to Bendigo to the gold mines. We went only to the second level but it was 61 metres underground. Our tour guides showed us the evolution of mining drills and support and we got to see a quartz/gold vein. Then we went on a talking tram ride and saw the sights of Ballarat. After that we headed to our accommodation; the Bendigo Discovery Centre. It was basically a massive science playground. There was a vertical slide that was exhilarating and awesome. We had pizza for dinner and went stargazing, then to sleep.
Our last day was a bright and early start. We travelled to Echuca, a two hour drive. We went on the Ps Pevensey paddle steamer and had a tour of the wharf area and got souvenirs. Then 7 more hours on the bus and at 6 we got home to Gundagai.
Overall it was an experience that was entirely worth going on. And we thank our teachers for taking us and our parents for making the excursion be able to happen.
Written by Charlotte McDonnell and Riley Smith.

Could all students that have library books at home please send them into school over the next few weeks. All books need to be marked off as returned before we finish school.
Book Club Final Order for 2023

LOOP orders are also encouraged via the Scholastic Website as payment can be made online directly.
Term 1 2024 Dates for Calendar
Staff Professional Development Days: Tuesday 30 and Wednesday 31 January
Students K-6 Return: Thursday 1 February
Ash Wednesday: Wednesday 14 February
Easter (Week 9)
-Good Friday: 29 March
-Easter Sunday: 31 March
-Easter Monday: 1 April
Term 1 concludes: Friday 12 April
Term 2 Dates: Tuesday 30 April-Thursday 4 July
-Sovereign’s Birthday: Monday 10 June
Term 3 Dates: Tuesday 23 July-Thursday 26 September
Term 4 Dates: Tuesday 15 October-Wednesday 18 December (TBC)
Congratulations to our Week 4 and Week 5 Class Awards.
Week 4 - Friday 3rd November:
Kindergarten - Fred Miller for doing his very best during literacy and writing
Yr 1 - Harley Rose for quick and accurate work with all number tasks
Yr 2 - Remi Taylor for growing in independence across all areas
Yr 3 - Ethan Wu for his application and engagement in Maths
Yr 4 - Conor Cotterill for working hard in learning especially in Maths
Week 5 - Friday 10th November:
Kindergarten - Pippi Nicholls for working hard with writing and presentation of her work
Yr 1 - Isabella Melksham for signicant progress in end of year reading assessment
Yr 2 - Kingsley McDonnell for using great mental strategies in Mathematics
Yr 3 - Zoe Paton for her participation and improving number recall in Maths
Yr 4 - Ollie Crowe for his application and engagement during out Maths topic "Money"
Yr 5 - Ammy Wu for experimenting with more English in conversation
Yr 6 - Lachlan Morgan for good application towards Mary McKillop timeline

Student of the Month and Principal's Awards
Last Friday we held our Student of the Month and Principal's Awards. It was lovely to see so many family members show their support.
Student of the Month for Week 5 Term 4 were:
Kindergarten- Gus Hufton
Yr 1 - Kevin Lyu
Yr 2 - Lane Johnson
Yr 3 - Charlie Ryder
Yr 4 - Emma Brown
Yr 5 - Chase Robinson
Yr 6 - Abigail Bock
Principal's Awards - Claudia Worldon, Denver Blundell and Tessa Crowe

Congratulations to our Week 4 Wildcat Awards
RESPONSIBLE - Billy Eccleston
RESPECT - Harley Rose
SAFE - Reuben Smart, Kevin Lyu