What sort of education does your child receive at St Patrick's?
All courses are based on the syllabus documents developed by the NSW Board of Studies. The same Syllabus Documents from the Board of Studies are used in every school in NSW: Government Schools, Independent Schools and Systemic Schools. The study of Religious Education is an additional learning area for Catholic schools and comes from our Archdiocesan Curriculum: Treasures New and Old.
The syllabus documents outline the outcomes to be achieved. All ranges of abilities are catered for, with provision for students needing individual help because of learning difficulties and for those requiring gifted and talented enrichment.
A summary of the Key Learning Area's is provided below:
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Technology is incorporated into all areas of the curriculum. All classrooms and the library have Interactive Whiteboards for teaching and learning purposes. There are iPads, i Pad Mini's, cordless note pads, lap top computers, desk top computers and flip video cameras available to students for many learning experiences. There are interactive white boards (IWB's) in all classrooms and the library.Students use these technologies as part of their everyday learning across curriculum areas. Students in senior classes use email as an option to send their homework to class teachers each week.
Physical Education
Physical Education and sport play an important part in the development of all children at St Patrick's. During the weekly sessions (usually Thursday) students are involved in a range of activities which develop their skills and fitness levels in a wide variety of sports and activities.
In every class the children engage in a range of activities aimed at enhancing their musical appreciation and music literacy.
Your child's progress is reviewed regularly using a variety of means. Parents also receive:
- A formal report written by the classroom teacher - at the end of Terms 2 and 4.
- The opportunity to make comment and arrange an interview with teachers after reorts are sent home.
- Parents can request an appointment at any time during the school terms if they have any concerns about their child's progress.
Key Learning Areas
Staff at St Patrick's develop classroom programs in each of the major learning areas based on the Board of Studies Curriculum requirements. These include NSW Syllabus documents. Each Key Learning Area covers strands relating to the particular curriculum area of study.
Religious Education
At St Patrick's your child will receive a knowledge of the Catholic Faith through a systematic coordinated whole-school Religious Education program. This is based on the Archdiocesan Syllabus, "Treasures New and Old" and includes:
- God and God's Creation.
- Jesus and Discipleship.
- Church in the World.
- Prayer and Celebration (weekly Mass or Liturgy prepared by each Class on a rotation basis and conducted in the Church).
At St Patrick's we:
- Pray as a whole school, in class, the Angelus bell at 9 o'clock and noon and before meals.
- Celebrate Liturgies: Weekly, every Wednesday at noon.
- Are Involved in Sacramental programs: Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.
- Care for others through raising money for Catholic Missions and helping charities in the wider communities.
At St Patrick's we believe that English underpins each curriculum area and is intrinsic to all learning. Our English education at St Patrick's includes:
- Teaching of "Jolly Phonics" and "Jolly Grammar" throughout the School. Children learn all the forty-two sounds of the English Language from Kindergarten.
- An innovative Literacy Block in each class set aside daily to focuses on Guided Reading Groups, Comprehension, Spelling Strategies, Grammar and Critical Literacy.
- Sight Words and Home Readers for Kindergarten children.
- Explicit teaching of Grammar and Spelling Strategies in every grade.
- Parent assisted Individual Reading and Sight Word Program.
- Running Records of children's reading ability conducted regularly for Assessment and Portfolio Records.
- Sequential Writing Program introducing children to a wide variety of Text Types continually throughout all grades.
- Opportunities of Talking and Listening in Infants and Primary.
- Public Speaking in Primary Grades at District Level.
- Reading in public to audiences through Liturgy presentations.
- Places a strong emphasis on number knowledge and understandings.
- Setting of Homework tasks to reinforce concepts taught in class.
- Specific teaching of Problem Solving Strategies and Working Mathematically.
- University of N.S.W Maths Competition Challenges offered to Primary students.
Science & Technology

- Built Environments - Explores and identifies ways in which built environments suit their users.
- Products and Services - Recognises the relationship between everyday products and people's needs.
- Living Things - Identifies ways in which living things are different and have different needs.
- Physical Phenomena - Explores and identifies different ways some forms of energy are used in the community.
- Designing and Making using Technology - Process and Investigating Strands involve designing and making models using technology.
- Information and Communication - Looks information products and considers form, media type audience and ethical issues.
Human Society & Its Environment
- Social Systems and Structures (Living in Communities, Rights, Roles and Responsibilities).
- Change and Continuity (British Colonisation, Families then, now and tomorrow).
- Cultures (Celebrations, People and their beliefs, Living in communities).
- Environments(Caring for the Environment, Wet and dry environments, National Parks).
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
- Active Lifestyle
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Growth and Development
- Games and Sports
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Personal Health Choices
- Safe Living
Creative Arts
- Visual Arts-making art works and art appreciation.
- Music-performing, organising and listening to music.
- Drama-role play, performance and appreciation.
- Dance-performance and appreciation.
LIFE is our school's Learning Management System. If you are a member of our school community you can access it here.