How to Enrol
You can now enrol online, through the online enrolment link:
To complete the application form, you will need to upload the following information. Original documents will need to be presented at the time of interview.
- Birth certificate (not commemorative) or passport.
- Certificate of Baptism (if applicable).
- Student’s immunisation records.
- Family Law, Personal Protection Order or Other Relevant Court Orders (if applicable).
- Last report from previous school (not applicable for Kindergarten enrolments).
- Visa grant notice for permanent and temporary visa-holders (if applicable) – for both student and parent(s) / legal guardian(s), including passport copies of parents.
- Any medical reports and/or other assessment reports for students with additional learning needs (if applicable).
Submission of an application does not guarantee a place in your school of choice.
Some NSW schools may charge a nominal application fee.
The school will be in contact with you to discuss your application. If an offer of place is provided, parents/legal guardians will be required to sign a statement of obligation.
Term 1 | 4 February 11 February (Lake Cargelligo only) |
10 April |
Term 2 | 29 April | 3 July |
Term 3 | 22 July | 25 September |
Term 4 | 14 October | 18 December |
Tuition Fees are set by the Archdiocesan Catholic Education Commission each year.

Kindergarten Enrolments
It is generally desirable for schools to adopt a cut-off enrolment date whereby children commencing in Kindergarten should be five (5) years of age. In accordance with guidelines set by the Catholic Education Office Canberra, a child must turn 5 years of age by 30 April of the year of enrolment.
Early Age Enrolments
The Principal has the discretion to process an early age enrolment (Primary or accelerated Secondary school entry) if special circumstances exist.
Parents must be informed that the school will assess the child's readiness and learning after consultation with the Learning Support Religious Education and Curriculum Services Senior Officer. For individual cases (primary and secondary school entry) where it is believed that the readiness of a child would warrant his or her enrolment at an early age, the Principal must consult with the Coordinator of Learning Support Religious Education and Curriculum Services for an individual assessment of the child's readiness and learning needs. Before agreeing to the early enrolment of the child the Principal must seek written approval from the Director.
Enrolment Policy for Students with Disability and Additional Needs
Students with disabilities are enrolled at the school according to the guidelines and procedures outlined in the CEO Learning Support Manual. All known information about your child regarding physical, medical or learning needs must be disclosed at the time of application. Please contact the school on 02 6944 1085 or email the school for more information.