

This section of the website will contain various notes and permissions the school needs parents to sign and submit:

School Community Council

St Patrick's promotes the involvement of parents in some policymaking and school activities. The School Community Council has a key role in developing the community of parents, students and staff.

The School Community Council provides the opportunity for elected Members of the school community to assist school leadership in ensuring the school is faithful to its mission statement and supports the mission of Catholic education. Our focus is to look at the "big picture" and to the future direction of our school. The Community Council is not directly involved with the daily operations or management of the school. These are the roles of the school Principal and staff.

The School Community Council has a decision-making role in certain policy areas and an advisory role in others. In the areas where it has responsibility for the development of policy, The School Community Council operates within the guidelines of the Catholic Education Commission and Catholic Education Office.

Meetings are held on Tuesday nights twice a term.

A public forum is held once a semester for all parents and friends and our next forum will be held at a date to be advised.

To contact the Community Council please email 

Chair: Lisa Ryan
Secretary: Samantha Johnson
Treasurer: Elizabeth Ferguson 

Mrs Christine Baron(Principal) - Ex-officio Member
Fr Joe - Ex-officio Member
Staff Rep - Lisa Wilson, Kate Howe, Jess Eccleston, Justine Hughes, Tarron Makeham, Melissa Carberry, Natasha Flanagan

Bonita Taylor

Lauren Eccleston