Supportive Playgroup


This is an opportunity for parents of pre–school children to be involved in a supportive playgroup that has a focus on engaging families in their children’s learning. The playgroup focus is to support families to “see” the learning that occurs in everyday play and learning opportunities. This program aims to build parents/carers awareness of how they can influence their child’s learning.

The Main themes covered include: Talking together, Reading together, Singing together, Playing together, Laughing together, Belonging and Learning together.

What are the benefits of Playgroup?

For Parents/Carers:

  • Understand the learning children do through play and other learning experiences.
  • Receive ideas for activities that they can do at home to support their child’s learning
  • Have the opportunity to interact with each other, share knowledge and experiences and build parenting and friendship networks.

For Children: 

  • Become familiar with set routines, learning expectations and environment.
  • Have the opportunity: to develop literacy, numeracy, social and emotional, fine and gross motor skills.
  • To develop good transition skills as they move into a new learning setting.
  • To develop learning habits of mind, such as cooperation, purposefulness and persistence.

